
Do you think this is a good poem to be written by a 17 year old?

by  |  earlier

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i wrote it when i was 17, is it good?

Horns blow to the clang of swords

Men throw to the cries of lords

Fire devours and casualty soars

As men fall to the slash of swords

The field is scattered with corpses strewn

The fire, it feasts on bodies hewn

Silence falls as no man calls

A black mist dims the glitter of moon

silence dies as men ride fast

while looking with eyes aghast

the twinkle of armour hurts the eye

and the great plain is grey and vast

forth came a rider, a son of kings

he who fights when people sing

songs about heroes, demons and myths

songs about wars with legendry beings

There he laid his shield and mace

while his fury stole his grace

and when he saw the glittering sword

he ran forth, with great haste

the sword was broken, a dead hero

its greatness taken by the ruthless foe

it was un-made, the famous blade

the one its power naught could show

The sun shone and its light swept

and the hero sat and slowly wept

and he moaned as his tears flowed

for the death of his brother was no small theft




  1. Well, would you have posted it for everyone to see if you thought it was a terrible poem yourself? If you think its good, then that's what matters seeing as that you wrote it.

    I liked it, I thought that it had good imagery and word choice. Some parts didn't flow together quite well but overall, I think that this piece shows talent.

  2. your poem was ok, your rhyming great, but it wasnt my style.

  3. I don't know much about poetry but I think its great.

  4. wow. that's amazing. for any age. i hope u still write poetry b/c ur super good!

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