
Do you think this is a good reason to induce?

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Ok so I have that carpal tunnel syndrome that basically makes your hands numb while pregnant, it's been like this for the past 6 weeks. Well in the last 2 days, they have been completely numb and swollen and my joints are popping out of place. Its driving me nuts! I am 37 weeks and 5 days, do you think this is a valid reason to get my doc to induce? And please spare me the lecture on getting induced...thanks!




  1. You should ask, you have the right to ask

    Pregnancy is uncomfortable as is, if your baby is full term & it is becomming unbearable dont let anyone make you feel like you have to suffer any longer

    Im not quite sure what women are trying to prove when they go through the fire by 'choice of virtue' waiting for the baby to come out The reason generally preached is 'baby will come when its ready' There are people that go over their due dates by weeks...give me a break

    As I say time & time again, this is not the Olympics, no gold medals will be given out for your pain There will be no parade for your heroism if you choose to let these weeks pass whilst your in misery They stamp you in & send you out like all the other expecting mothers who have passed through the hospital doors

    There is no harm in asking People get induced all the time, it may be more uncomfortable, but if it was so 'unsafe' doctors wouldnt even touch it Malpractice suits are expensive & can cost a doctor his good name Trust me, if it is the best thing for you, thats what theyll do Good luck

  2. There are other options rather than being induced. Didnt you have some complications of when your due date actucually was?? what hapenes if your baby is born really premature? would you want that?? here are some things to help you out that i found interesting.

    Exercise - Stretching and strengthening exercises can be helpful in people whose symptoms have abated. These exercises may be supervised by a physical therapist, who is trained to use exercises to treat physical impairments, or an occupational therapist, who is trained in evaluating people with physical impairments and helping them build skills to improve their health and well-being.

    Alternative therapies - Acupuncture and chiropractic care have benefited some patients but their effectiveness remains unproved. An exception is yoga, which has been shown to reduce pain and improve grip strength among patients with carpal tunnel syndrome.

  3. Your doctor will tell you if it is ok to induce and can also tell if the baby is ready to be born

  4. nope its not

    while that is a medical problem its not one thats putting your babys health at risk

  5. It's worth a shot, ask your doctor if they'll induce you.

    I'll spare you the lecture - but I will say that I was induced at 40 weeks and it was the most terrible experience of my life. I was in painful labor for three entire days because my body and my baby just weren't ready yet. I ended up with a c-section after three days of being induced. I would give anything to go back and wait for my baby to come naturally. My son is now two months old and I adore him, but I will NOT have any more children. That experience was just too horrific. But of course not all experiences are the same.

    Good luck to you and congrats!

  6. I'm getting induce at 38 weeks 4day just because i want to... there is no reason why your doctor shouldn't be able to induce you legally they can induce you anytime after 39 weeks unless you have a reason then they can induce you after 37 weeks because that's considered full term. Good Luck

  7. It doesn't matter if WE think it's a good idea - what matters is if your doctor thinks it's a good idea, and if he thinks the problem will resolve with delivery.

  8. I had my first baby at 37w 5d!.  My doctor said they can't electively induce until 39 weeks unless they find a problem.  If your hands are extremely swollen, that could be considered a problem.  What is your blood pressure like?  Are you dilating at all?  How big do they thing Andelyn is?  These are important questions that may be able to help you.

  9. Although it's usually best to let nature take its course, sometimes the birth process may need a little help. Labour is induced when the risks of prolonging your pregnancy are more serious than the risks of delivering your baby right away. You are more at risk if:

    • You are overdue - your pregnancy has gone ten days to two weeks past an accurate due date.

    • You have diabetes.

    • Your waters have broken and contractions haven't started. There is a risk of infection the longer the waters have been broken. Research shows that 70 per cent of mothers will have given birth within 24 hours and almost 90 per cent within 72 hours of their waters breaking. So you could choose to wait for labour to begin, or you could choose to be induced. In either case, your midwife and doctor will observe you closely for any signs of infection.

    • You are not having contractions but your waters have broken, and during your pregnancy, you tested positive (vaginal swab or urine test) for group B streptococcus. This is a case for immediate induction.

    • You have a chronic or acute illness, such as pre-eclampsia or kidney disease, that threatens your wellbeing or the health of your baby.

    • You have had a previous baby who was stillborn.

  10. No Hun they wont , i had pre eclampcia and carpal tunnel syndrome and they refused and made me go as long as i could BUT because the pre eclapcia got much worse they had to induce me fast, people live with this CTS all the time and its not just pregnant women that get it, it can happen to most people  

  11. I would agree with the previous answer, it doesn't hurt to ask. That's the only way you'll find out. Take into consideration the size of your baby and your overall health, think about any complications that may arise prior to asking so that you aren't disappointed if the OB says no.

  12. My doctor would. yes it's a good reason

  13. You know what? I don't know if it would be a reason for your doctor to induce but its worth a try. But I'm so sick of people lecturing about other people choosing to be induced. If the baby is 37 weeks or father then its perfectly safe. If your doctor feels your far enough along to induce then its okay. People need to mind their own business. Good Luck to you.

  14. I doubt he/she will induce for that reason. I've been having sciatic nerve problems and my bum and legs go numb all the time..I'll be walking through the store then all of a sudden can barely feel my legs! lol. Anyways the longer that baby bakes the better for him... You'll just have to ask your doc.

  15. I'm not sure if your doctor would induce you based on that. My guess is that he wouldn't since it isn't threatening the baby and technically it isn't threatening you either, it's just annoying and painful. But it's definitely worth asking.

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