
Do you think this is a mean thing to do to my daughter

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My 6 year old daughter hates naps and acts like she will drop off into permanent rest.

One day, she was bouncing all over the house, and after she knocked over a lamp, I marched her to a couch and yelled for her to stay there and don't even scratch her nose unless I said it was okay. I looked over at her about 15 mins later and saw she was fast asleep. That gave me an idea.

Everytime it is naptime, I direct her to the couch and tell her to stay there and don't move. Then I turn my back and read a book or something, and she dozes off.

My husband doesn't like that though....he says it'll make her think she did something wrong everytime.

What do you think?




  1. make sure SHE knwos your not telling her off.

    and make it more of a game..

    like.."lets see how long you can keep still for"

    and wow your daughter must respect you to keep doing it.

  2. say it to her in a nice manner

  3. As long as you dont yell at her and get mad every time, I dont see an issue. I use to be able to do that with my 2 year old. But my daughter is more difficult, every time she gets into one way I am actually able to get her to take a nap, one way or another, she all of a sudden changes up and wont sleep that way,  

  4. Send her to her room whenever her nap time is (make sure it is about the same time every day) and tell her to stay there until a specific time. Tell her she is allowed to play quietly if she wishes but there is no jumping, yelling, etc allowed. She can choose to play, nap, or do both. If she chooses not to nap then she will just end up napping later anyway when she gets tired enough. But I'm sure this won't be the case. Chances are she will eventually get bored with whatever she is doing in her room and will fall asleep on her bed.

    Good Luck!

  5. I'm surprised that a 6 year old is still taking naps.  I do think that it might confuse her if you are "punishing" her everyday for no reason.  Why don't you just tell her that instead of a nap she can just have "quiet time" on the couch and you'll let her know when she can get up.  That way you aren't punishing her and she'll settle down for a little while each day and possibly nap.  Although, I'm still surprised at a 6 year old still taking naps every day.

  6. You don't need to yell at her every time. He is right, she will start to think she did something wrong when in fact, she did not. Instead, try telling her that it's quiet time. Most kids don't like the words "nap time". If you simply tell her it's quiet time, let's go and sit on the couch, then it should work.

  7. I think you may need to switch her punishment to something else lest she thinks she IS being punished.  Maybe sit with her on the couch and read her a story before she rests, or play some soft music.  But definately make sure she knows she's not in trouble.  Maybe tell her you just need her to sit still for a few minutes when You take a  My nephews believe me when I said I needed them to chill because I needed the break.  They also thought it was funny.

  8. i THINK you should only do it when she gets in trouble

    and try a different thing for naptime like say go to the couch and lets play a game!! Tell her its called freeze game and tell her to freeze for as long as possible  

  9. One thing is true... she will be bouncing all over if she is too tired.

    Yes you should direct her to the couch everyday if you think she needs a nap. Say it with a strong voice "Ok it is quiet time now. Go to the couch and stay there for a while" - that will let her know that is not time out and she didnt do anything wrong. It is just quiet time.

    Quiet time is very important for any child.

    Sometimes 6 years old do need a nap specially now that is summer and they are doing more things outside in the sun. The heat can be draining

    Unless you are making her sleep so YOU can rest it would be mean (but I am sure you are not doing that)

    ** it is very easy for your husband to give his opinion because he is not the one who takes care of the child all day... he would probably be doing the same thing if he was the one staying home. LOL

  10. I agree with your husband, you are sending her the wrong message, besides at 6 years old she doesn't really need a nap,. What is going to happen when she goes to school?

  11. It depends how you say it.  If you say "Okay time to rest on the couch for a few minutes!" in a cheery voice, then that's an acceptable way of getting her to nap.  If you bark at her to sit still and not move a muscle, that's definately sending the wrong message.

  12. Isn't 6 a little old to be napping?  She is old enough to go chill out on her own if she is tired.

  13. the first time when she got in trouble she will think shes in truoble every time. why not take a nap with her?  

  14. I don't think that's right.  A 6 year old does NOT need a scheduled nap.  The reason she falls asleep is because she's bored.  My 7 year old will do this sometimes.  When she's bored and sulks on the couch or something, she usually always ends up falling asleep.  Now, I understand you need some time to yourself, but really you shouldn't be putting your 6 year old "down for a nap."  Maybe have her watch a movie during that time.  "Movie time, let's sit on the couch and watch it!"  If she falls asleep great.

  15. This actually concerns me.  No 6 yo I know needs naps.  Heck, according to Brazelton 3 yos don't need naps - moms of 3 yos need naps ;-).  But, anyway, 6 yos should be able to be awake all day without a nap.  They do, however need 10 to 12 hours of sleep at night.  Are you sure she's getting enough sleep?  I know my mom tried to make me take naps when I was six and I didn't need them (I'm still not a napper, unless I'm not getting enough sleep at night or sick I never can take a nap even if I try).  I think she needs more sleep, just not at naptime.

  16. Why is it necessary that a 6 year old take a nap?  She should have a decent bedtime.  

  17. Maybe you should tell her its time to play in her room and she will go in there and probably do just as she does on the couch...she will play for a min and sit still and pass right out...Or let her go to her room and put in a movie or read her a book for nap time!!!  It does kinda give her the idea that she did something wrong every time shes gotta go to the couch...she may start looking at nap time as also punishment!

  18. I guess she finds the couch comfortable? Yelling at her and directing her to be a human statue really isn't a good idea. Just say" Okay, time to nap on the couch for a while"  

  19. How about a different approach?  Every day at such-and-such a time, she is to go to her room and lay on the bed for a set amount of time.  Tell her she doesn't have to sleep, but she must close her eyes and rest.

  20. i agree with your husband lol

  21. try not to be so mean about it. just let her know that at a certain time of day, every day, she needs to take some time and just sit.

  22. I agree with your husband. It will make her think she did something wrong and that could really mess her up when she grows up. Try to get her to take a nap in a different way. Try telling her stories or putting on soft music.  

  23. For heavens sake, the kid is 6..

    No nap is necessary..

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