
Do you think this is an acceptable prank to play at a dinner party?

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My wife is trying to impress her stuck up snob friends by making us host an 'elegant' dinner. She is serving the meal in one of those bowls that is ocvered with a lid. I am going to throw the meal out and swap the meal with a pile of my f***s so when my wife takes the lid of in fornt of evryone they will see a big pile of c**p. Do you think they will take this joke well and how would you react?

P.S. Im not going to let anyone actually eat it, I just wanna gross them out.




  1. Disgusting!

  2. Quite right, do it. Perhaps they will return to being normal people instead of having their noses stuck up in the air.

  3. Well do you want to get a Divorce?

    Not only are you going to embarrass your wife but you are going to make her and yourself look like an idiot in front of her friends. Is that what you want?  I think you should re-consider doing it because it is a silly and childish thing to do.

  4. Grow f****kin  up!!

  5. That is not a practical joke - that is you being very very very immature.  If you don't want to help your wife, why would you go out of your way to destroy what she is trying to create?  You two are supposed to be partners - that means working together.  Sounds like you don't want to grow up!  And yes, I would divorce you if you did that to me!  When the theme of the night will be to impress others with your fine food and manners and you want to ruin all her efforts and put a pile of sh*t on the table (for which she will have to throw out the covered dish once you contaminate it), I would find most passive aggressive where I could not trust you again!  Why did you get married in the first place if you aren't working towards each others happiness?  Just keep your pants pulled up and do your best for one evening!  Grow up and fast!

  6. Well I'm sure there will be only one person laughing at that table.  You must really not care much for your wife if you feel embarrassing her in front of her friends for your satisfaction is acceptable.

  7. I really think it is a terrible idea. DON'T DO IT!!

    However if your urge is that great, start filling a pitcher of your urine, and add a little grape juice, or orange juice to give it an appetizing color.   ouch that is gross.  Also don't forget to refrigerate it or put ice in the pitcher.


  8. That is really sick and think you'll be in the doghouse for that one

  9. D.I.V.O.R.C.E.    have you know respect for her? do her a favor and set her free  A**

  10. What did your wife see in you when she married you? Where did she meet you--at a playground swinging on the monkey bars?!?

    GROW UP!

  11. that's sick man..i would take it as a joke, but if your wife has s****. friends..I dont think they will.

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