
Do you think this is appropriate to wear to work? 46 year old woman for meetings?

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It's like this but hers had a key hole cut out in the bust which makes it even more club looking. I am 31 and she is 46 and she wears the strangest stuff to work. We are having huge meetings this week and yesterday I wore white suit pants and an orange silk knitted tee shirt style top with long pearls. She strolled in half naked with capris on and this shirt. Am I alter conservative? Or do you also think there is a point when you have to stop shopping in the junior section and buy a better level of clothing? Oh and the day before that- she wore a mini skirt- cotton and all wrinkled. Look like something I would wear golfing on a junky day. So this in fact this shirt was her "best" outfit for the week. I work with all 70-80 year olds so I don't think they notice... sometimes they even tell her she is cute in these get ups. So this doesn't help but I don't think they can see her varicose veins and stuff like...... I try telling her some great places to shop to get her to go higher end and I even bought her a gift card to a nice store. She never used it and I was pretty pissed because I think she re-gifted it to her sister. And she always says she can't "afford" nicer stores and she makes more money then me.




  1. And this bothers you why?

    People have different taste, as well as different levels of interest in clothing altogether.  Why do her clothing choices affect you?

    If you are her boss, you can discuss it with her.  If you aren't, get over it and mind your own business.

  2. looks professional more so with a jacket!

    but over all i don't see why what she wears is going to effect you i think your prying into someone elses buisness

    and yes she makes more money and i bet she has more bills then you too!  we don't know other peoples cards they have in their hands and i'm sure there is a lot she dont' tell you! some of it could be private!

  3. Some people do not have a clue regarding "professional appearance "or how they actually present themselves to clients and other office personnel...

    I would inform her of the "lack of fashion sense" is putting a strain on you because you must do all the presentations.

  4. If you aren't her boss then it really shouldn't matter to you what she wears.  If she ever doesn't follow dress code her employer should be the one advising her on appropriate attire, not you.  I agree that her outfits don't seem very professional, but it is up to her what she decides to spend her money on.  If you're worried her attire may be negatively affecting clients then you could confidentially consult with whoever is in charge.  

  5. If it is as bad as your making it seem, then one of her boss's or someone above her should make her aware of it.   If no one stops it and doesn't go out of their way to make her change, then why should she?  You say that they are making you do all the presentations and such and she makes more money than you.  Well if they notice it is a problem then they need to speak up.  I mean the shirt you should is not that bad in my opinion.  I am not seeing the outfits so I can't really say it they are proper or not.  I mean two people can were almost the same thing but depending on how it is actually worn and the person wearing it, it looks fine on some and not on others. If it is really as big of a deal as you say, then you need to go to someone higher up and have them speak with her and let her know she needs to change.  Otherwise she is going to continue on wearing what she is wearing.  

  6. I'll join in your fashion faux pas venting fest.

    At work, I have RuPaul sitting 4 feet away from me, with fashion numbers that a drag queen wouldn't dare to wear, along with green eye shadow and plataform shoes....

    Or, when I used to work in the midwest, everyone wore those ridiculous denim moomoos with applique's of pumpkins, cats, scotish patterns and all sorts of crazy stuff that not even Good Will would take.

    On the same office, a counselor would wear a denim mini skirt, spagetti straps and one of those awfal paraiahs of fashion: a PONCHO! along with pig tails, furry boots and fake glasses (she has a 20/20 vision) Her explanation: because it complemented "her look". Plain embarrasing on a 43 year old woman with a teen age son. I though, is her look "crazy woman with a midlife crisis?"

    Same office, an overweigth woman wearing a corset to work and a peek a boo retina was burning! On that ocassion I actually complained to HR and told them that people should not wear lingerie to go work and that I didn't care to see so one underwear while I was trying to run an audit.

    Fashion sense has nothing to do with budget, and some people are in denial that they 80's are gone.

    Some people shop at the juniors department because :

    A) It's cheaper than the ladies section

    B) They mistakenly think that they can keep up with the latest trends and look "younger"

    No, you are not ultra conservative, you have perfect fashion sense and good taste.

    Let it be, they are only embarrasing themselves.

    Good luck

  7. Unless your office has a dress code, you have very few options.  She is only making a spectacle of herself.  Try not to let it bother you.  You will be the one to come shining through.

  8. I wouldn't worry about her.  Looking inappropriate can affect how you're perceived by clients, co-workers and management.  If you and others are offended, speak to her boss.

    I wouldn't complain alone.  You don't want to look like a whiner.

    Don't sweat the small stuff.  She's hurting her professional reputation, not you. I'd just feel sorry for her or anybody dressing so inappropriately.  It's sad, isn't it?

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