
Do you think this is artistic talent?

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Im beginning to realize my extreme interest in poetry, lyrics, and ideas for stories and these past 6-8 months ive written poetry only as a way to help myself out of problems. Ive been seeing a counselor/psychiatrist because of some issues i have and i took some tests using images and drawings and the doc told had asked me if i was into any kind of art. I really would like to know how i can figure out if i carry any kind of talent and how i can find out what type of art would most likely fit me if thats the case. For the test, the doc gave me images of some anonymous paint splashed on (sry i dont know what you call that) and i had to just tell him what i saw in that.




  1. Talent in art is so subjective that it is hard to call someone talented or untalented until their work has been seen and judged.  What one (educated, art-loving) person thinks is an uninspired, derivative pile of c**p will be inspired genius to someone else.  Any of the arts can be a frustrating pursuit if you are expecting to get paid for it, and an amazing creative release for your emotions as an amateur, so I wouldn't try too hard to make it a career--just do what you love and if someone buys it, great, if not, you still have a day job.  

    Also, "art-people" each have their own individual prejudices--for instance, many feel that a painting or photo that includes a face is a portrait, and isn't exactly 'art', because you are telling the story by the look on someone's face rather than through creative symbols or other ways to touch the viewer's heart, while the portrait artist wants to know why the other artist's work is just a pile of symbols without beauty.  You'll hear musicians debate about what 'real' music is--with rockers who play a lot of chords laughed at by classical musicians who concentrate so much on tone and other subtleties to get the perfect sound, while the rockers laugh back that the concert musician doesn't create anything--that they are music performers rather than musicians.  

    I guess what I'm saying is that you shouldn't worry about whether you have talent, and really shouldn't ask anyone unless you are deciding whether to get more training in your art or to just keep it a hobby.  If you like doing it, do it.  Even if everyone else thinks it's c**p, at least you enjoyed making it.  And no matter who says you have or don't have talent, opinions are like a holes, everyone has one.

  2. Art is subjective, especially when it comes to performance poetry.  If what you are creating makes you feel good, and is helping in your healing process, then perhaps asking for validation of your "talent" isn't the best idea.  Without a doubt, some jerk will tell you that your work stinks.  Is that something you need to hear right now?

    The test your doctor gave you is called a Rorschach test.

  3. yes, a very signifigant talent!!! words are power! they have a huge effect on the mind. use them to your advantage. and help others, too. it will make you very happy. i also have a love of writing lyrics, poetry and stories. its a good way to express feelings. these things are windows to the creative self. you can learn a lot about yourself.

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