
Do you think this is cruel?

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I have a Siberian Husky who is 2 1/2 years old, during the winter I try to keep him outside as much possible during the day, and take him in at night, he has a proper shelter and always can get to water, and has a nice large area to run, I take him in if it I feel it is to severe outside for him, or if it is raining etc. the coldest it gets is in the teens.

I do this because he is a Husky and he just loves to be outside in the snow, he can access the house from his yard, but it is just a little room. Am I being cruel? The one neighbor says that it is animal abuse, and called to humane society on us, they came and said that there was no problem as long as he has a shelter, the lady would wait until we left our dog out to go potty at night, and would take pictures of him and say see look they keep him outside all night, and in the rain. I think that she just wanted our dog. what do you think?




  1. No I don't think that is cruel because of his breed he should be able to be outside and yes it is probably smart to let him in at night because it tends to cool off at night. But he could probably live outside all the time that is what they were bred for is to stand cold weather for long periods of time i know my dog had to be led in because he never wanted to leave the outdoors when he was little.

    And you are probably right that your neighbor either wants your dog or just doesn't like him being around.  

  2. I'd say as long as the dog is not being neglected or abused, and can get out of the rain/snow if he wants to, he's ok. It sounds like he's not penned up in a small space, so I don't see a problem. Most important is don't neglect them, don't abuse them, and be kind to them all the time, and the dog will surely return your kindness. The dog's not smart enough to know people get bad moods, don't take it out on the dog. That's one situation where I would call the humane society.

  3. I think thatyou need to have a nice long chat with your naybor and ask why she's doin this. After a while if she calls the humane sosiety on you again call the police!! GOOD LUCK!!:)

  4. Oh for... that woman is one of those attention-seekers you hear about. Huskies are sled dogs for God's sake! They are bred to withstand months in the elements in the Arctic! You're right, he DOES love it! Have you ever looked closely at his coat? He has I think four layers. The top layer wicks away water, and the closer layers keep him warm. The rain never touched him, I can almost guarantee it. Do a little research online for that breed and print it and staple it to that b*****s door. If she keeps calling the warden you can sue HER for harassment.

  5. As long as your dog enjoys it and he is getting adequate attention and exercize from you, then its not cruel.  I used to have a husky mix, and she'd spend HOURS laying outside in the snow!

      As long as the dog has adequate shelter, and access to water, and is not violating any nuisance laws (barking/howling all nite) there's no law saying that your dog isnt allowed outside at nite either.  Your neighbor has nothing to proove.

    Dogs are pack animals and belong inside with the families.. but I dont think its cruel to keep a dog outside most of the day if he enjoys it, providing he's still getting enough exercize and attention during the day.

  6. i don't think it's that bad. but i think you should keep an eye on him because my mom works at a vet's office and she said that if the dog's feet get cold it can be very bad. The way you can tell is if he pikes up his front feet constantly. if that does happen bring him inside take a towel and wipe off his feet.i hope my info helps!!

  7. She needs to get out more, and possibly find a mate - your neighbour that is. Your dog sounds fine as long as he gets lots of execise, huskies can run all day and love it!

    He has food, water shelter and is secure, there is no way anyone has room to complain.

  8. OOh Ya Crazy Lady You are a wonderful Owner absolutely nothing wrong with that!! He seems to be really happy to me! Keep doin what you are doing! He is very lucky to have you!  

  9. No, I do not.  I had a Husky/Timberwolf once upon a time, so I am familiar with thier nature.  You are a loving, aware parent of what sounds to be a happy and content pet.  Do not let the innappropriate and meddlesome opinions of a lonely and miserable neighbor make you doubt.  If she was truly concerned about your dog, and was truly a good neighbor she would have addressed her concerns tactfully first to you personally.  Not the Humane Society.

    Scratch him for me in the foot thumpin' "spot"~~

    and forgive/pray for her.

  10. Nothing wrong at all. That lady is a ******, indeed. You take good care of your dog. Huskys love it outdoors. To stop the pictures, go outside with your dog when he needs to pee. In the rain always allow him indoors.

    And that lady.. I would go and give her a peice of my mind (or fist..but that's just me xD) Tell her to leave you and your dog ALONE. That certainly is anoying. All the best, and good luck!

  11. I think she's a *****. You're not doing anything wrong. I hope you are taking him on walks and runs though. Tell her to mind her own business.  

  12. I think the woman had your dogs best interest in her heart, but i don think that she is fully educated about the husky breed, or your schedule/routine.

    i personally don't think what you are doing is cruel per say.

    you provide a home, shelter, food and water. you make sure to monitor the tempt and bring your dog inside during the rain.

    i would say a husky needs a heck of a lot more exercise than just running around a back yard, but then you never mentioned if you take the dog for a walk or not.

    if she keeps making complaints you could file harassment against her for false reports. next time you let the dog out to the bathroom at night...stay outside w/the dog and then your neighbor might not be so brave to come out and take photos. do it long enough and she'll give up.

    some ppl (though their heart is in the right place) just are nosey.

  13. I am firm believer that there are two sides to every story, but your side seems legit. I would recommend ensuring your dog gets sometime outside of his fence. As much as we think they have plenty of room they know they are confined.

    This compared to how dog sled dogs are housed is, well very humane. (Still digesting how I feel about my dog sled experience.)

    My guess is they don't see much interaction between you and your dog. The lack of interaction and only seeing your dog in the yard is what is building there perspective. Not that you should care. But for the sake of civility maybe you should get her side of the story.

  14. If your dog has food, water, and shelter that's fine. Huskies can handle cold weather. Your neighbor is just a b*tch. She's probably one of those people who hates dogs and wants yours taken away.  

  15. No not not at all that neighbor is a pest and seems like shes just looking for something to complain about i hate people like that your husky loves cold freezing weather they actually prefer the below 0 temperature weather. i leave my beagle outside because she hates staying inside and like you said she has water shelter and is just fine dont worry your not being cruel at all.


  16. I think She is a Stupid Excuse for a Human being that needs to find a Better Hobby. I think that`s and Very Good Idea to have your Dog outside when it snows if He really enjoys it! (For Short Periods of time I meen). And I think you should stay out there with Him while He uses the Bathroom so that when that old cow try`s to take a Picture YOU would be in the picture with him. Please Report HER for anything you can, Please put up a Fence that She can`t see over.

  17. As long as your dog got a dry place to sleep in that is NOT drafty he is absolutely fine. But he still requires 2 1/2h of exercise a day!!!! And of course dogs are pack animals so he needs YOU and your family to interact with and I do not mean just for an hour a day.

  18. As long as your dog has shelter and doesn't seems to be unhappy or sick you dog is going to be ok

    you neighbor have too much free time to spend that's all

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