
Do you think this is depression?

by  |  earlier

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I know when i've been depressed before, there's been like a horrible feeling in my stomach, and it feels like there is a dark cloud hovering over me. well, what i have now isn;t like that at all

Now, however, i'm always irritable, angry, less light hearted, very serious although i fake it, and have gotten a lot more shy and socially uncomfortable. I dont know exactly when this started (and it wasnt drastic when it did start), but id say roughly a year or more ago.

i dont have these constant feelings of absolute meaningless, despair, and melancholy.

is it depression, dysthymia, or something else?

i also get very painful headaches that i didn't get before, almost everyday, and im pretty sure cause by stress




  1. These may be symptoms of something more physically oriented. You may need to contact an M.D. and get a check-up of a more physical nature, just to be on the safe side. If these test come out clean, then seek out mental health help. Depression of course comes in many different forms and has alot of different faces. Good luck. Believe me you can change your negative behavior toward others even with serious depression. Dont use depression as a crutch or an excuse to be unkind to those around you who love you. O.k.?

  2. I feel the exact same way. I am a psychology major and I still don't know if it's depression or what it is. But I would suggest you do what I am doing and see a therapist. or psychologist.

  3. Start with the headaches. Where are they, front, back, just one side? Do you feel nauseous with the headache?  You really, really need to see a doctor to start examining what type of headaches you have. How old are you? One year is a long time to suffer, even off and on, from the symptoms you describe. They all indicate your unhappiness and it probably is depression. Now, real, clinical depression is devastating. It includes: lack of interest in anyone or activity, sleeping "all the time", no interest in food, or just the opposite, total feeling of helplessness and no desire to "move on". These people generally can't work, study, or carry on healthy relationships. Please see a general practitioner to get started. Tell her/him everything. You can get real help! Good luck.

  4. you are suffering from depression

  5. It looks like depression.

  6. If this has started over a year ago and you haven't sought professional help now, do so.  You may get some advice from over the internet but only an evaluation by a good professional can get you the help that you seemingly need.  You may be experiencing something that is more than depression.  If you have been experiencing this more than a year,  "Just get over it!" or "Think happy thoughts!"  isn't going to do it alone.

    I am bipolar and I let things go for years.  I have experienced just about everything that you are describing.  I paid a dear price.  I am now in counseling and have found a good combination of meds that have helped me on the road to recovery.  Also, my faith and trust in God have put me over the top.

    God bless.  Go with the grace of God.

  7. You've said it yourself: you have stress! Stress is verry harmfull. People don't realise it cause it's so common these days but, it can cause headaches, chronic pains, high blood pressour, heart problems, etc. Are you have a regular eating/sleeping habbit? Sounds weird but THAT can cause ALOT of difference in someones mood!  

    Before jumping to any conclusion, I would get an appointement with a phisician to rule out any phisical stuff that could be the cause of your mood change ( ex: hyper/hypothiroidism, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc...) Also ask your phisician to check your b12 levels, your folic acid and your iron...Many of these can be "eaten up" by stress....If you're levels come back low, you can take supplements and that will help alot.(check out the sites I've given you at the end if you're interested in learning about natural supplements that can help you fight stress...)

    And then, if every phisical thing comes out normal, then I would ask for a consultation with a psychologist. Having a mental illness is hard to deal with and frankly (suffering myself from bipolar illness...) I hope you don't!! Lately it's seems everyone wants to be "labeled" mentally ill...when all the time, people that are wish they could get that "label" off of them!!! Medication is hard and side effects are disturbing!!!...Plus, you can't cure it, you can only learn to live with it!! (and some days REALLY suck!!) So, I hope for you that you are just going through a ruff patch and things will get better...

    Good luck;)

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