
Do you think this is fair(not trying to sound greedy)?

by Guest65673  |  earlier

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Ok well my little 5 y.o sister has this friend and hes 6 y.o. Everyday he comes in my house to play.They come inside at about 9-10 and then he stays until 12-1. They came in today at about 830 and its now 1 am. And them two have been doing it for the past two weeks or so! His grandma was like ill pay u 15 dollars in about a week. I honestly dont think thats enough but i dont want to tell her that. Do you think this is fair or am i being really greedy?

BTW! I also provided them kool aid and they usually eat MOST of a BAG of chips! Im 13 btw




  1. i think its kinda greedy. but im 14 and have been babysitting for 3 years. sometimes i have to sleepover at the persons house if they are out late, or sometimes the kids stay at my house. and i have to feed the kids too. they parents do pay me more tho becuase i do more.

  2. 15 cheap! ur not greedy at all!

  3. You're 13 and they are 5 and 6?!!

    Those children (as well as yourself) belong in bed at 1am. You need to talk to his grandmother and tell her that this late night schedule isn't really working for you, that you don't mind if they play during the day, but 10pm is too late.

    Where are your parents??


    I think you all (his grandmother, your father, and you) need to sit and have a chat about this schedule. Tell your dad you aren't comfortable watching the little ones after 10pm and if he wants to invite the boy over, he has to watch him. Tell the boy's grandmother that she needs to pay you a babysitting fee if her grandson is going to be over all the time. If she's unwilling to pay the sitting fees tell her that the kids have to split time at each other's houses, so she'll need to watch your sister equal amounts of time that you watch her grandson.

  4. Tough call hun, but if your heart tells you that this is not enough for the care and things provided (1 am??) then no, it is not enough.  Personally, what with his parents/grandparents?? i didn't get to stay up like that let alone stay OUT like that until i was 16...

  5. Sounds a little cheap however at the same time it makes me wonder is the grandma just being cheap or is she low on money?

  6. I've been in a similar babysitting situation. You could calmly try approaching her. Honestly it seems like shes trying to get you to watch her kid for not alot..

    A woman did that to me with 4 kids under 6 years old. and she kept saying she'd pay me.

    don't be surprised if after you talk about raising a payment, or even recieving a payment, that she stops letting him go to your house though..

  7. if you dont want to watch them then just tell ur dad and the lady

  8. It is a bit unfair. So don't exhaust yourself. Sit them down, and turn on the tv. Don't give them junk food. They shouldn't be hungry at that time anyway. If they were paying you more then maybe you should, but for $15 just as long as you're watching them and makin sure they're not getting in trouble is plenty.

  9. if u don't want to watch the child any longer just tell the grandmother she can keep her money and u don't want to watch the boy any longer if she refuses to listen , just don't let him come in the house

    good luck 8)

  10. Just tell the boy he can only come a couple of days and don't worry with watching him. Let your sister go to his house and play.

  11. Um... 1 AM?? If you are watching a 5 year old and a 6 year old until after midnight you need to call social services. You are a child too. Where are your parents? If you meant morning times, and the friend is there until 1pm (after lunch) and you are alone, that is still not right!! And they're eating chips and drinking flavored sugar??? Are you for real? Ask your parents for assistance on what to do, they should talk to the grandmother. This post is disturbing. You should be paid at least $4/hour to babysit, and it should be arranged ahead of time. And you should take the babysitting course if you are in charge of such young children.

  12. First i would not be letting a 5 or 6 year old be staying up that late 8 to 9 o' clock should be their bedtime.

    Tell your dad that you won't watch them past a certain hour

    and remind him that your the kid and he's the adult

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