
Do you think this is fake? Why do people do this? What to do?

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Being "friends" with you & inviting you places only b/c you're in the same organization, but sometimes hints that they really don't want to be your friend even though their the one that keeps initiating contact.

Being really nice to some when you HAVE to see them, even if you've been rude, ignored their phone calls, etc. You don't say anything and leave them alone but THEY approach you and add strike up a conversation.




  1. My friends call them "Plastic People" and we laugh at them and don't worry about it...just tell them to F strong.

  2. I have no idea why but when I don't like someone I have to be around I just don't really talk to them unless I have to. I would make myself always appear busy talking to other people and if they do have to talk to me only give short responses and find a way to be excused like oh I had to tell this person something sorry excuse me.  

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