
Do you think this is funny, or offensive?

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At my daughter's preschool today, there was a box of pumpkins outside with the following sign:

Free Pumpkin Adoption. Spend the Holiday with your pump"kin"

Do you think that is offensive to adoptees (or anyone else)? Or do you just think it is funny?

Just in case anyone might think otherwise, this is a serious question (well, semi-serious), certainly not trying to bait anyone (I really don't see how it would be viewed that way, but just in case). I do have opinions (those who know me know I pretty much always do), but I don't want to prejudice your responses.




  1. I don't find it offensive at all. It's kind of cute, really.

  2. I feel it was done with a good intention.  People adopt all sorts of things these days.  Dogs, cats, etc.

  3. I guess someone was trying to be clever.  I don't recoil because I think it is offensive.  I recoil because it is clumsy and cloddish.  Makes me wonder about the quality of college education in the US (assuming that this was in the US).

    It is fun to have semi-serious questions from time to time.  Nice of you to ask!

  4. i took no offense to it, but then i'm not adopted, i'm a first mom. i don't know how an adoptee might take it.

    in reading the other answers, i'd have to say that "Sunny" put it really well. she opened my eyes and believe me, i'm not for the adoption and all the propaganda they put out to use and abuse women like myself when we are vulnerable. if it hurt one person's feelings, then that was one to many. this was a great question for adoptees, in particular, and i think we got our answer.

    Sunny - you are not a leftover. best wishes.

  5. Just an attempt at humour, i dont find it offensive at all.

  6. No, it's not offensive.  The term 'adopt' is not exclusive to adopting children.  I think it's a cute way for whoever grew those pumpkins to try to unload them.

  7. A really bad taste in humor.  I also vote for stupid.

  8. Well, I'll go against the grain and say I don't like it.

    Yes, we DO use the term adopt to mean other things, as in adopt a bill in parliament, or whatever. But in this case, the person making the sign is playing on the word adoption, and specifically playing on it's meaning as in to adopt a child.

    I think it's tacky, and it's confusing to little kids. It makes adoption sound temporary, not permanent.

    The only time I don't mind when people use the term adoption this way is in regard to pets. I hope that when people adopt a pet, it is meant to be permanent - or it should be. You really are responsible for that living creature, and it should be a promise to take care of it forever. No, it's not like a child, but it is a member of the family and a permanent commitment.

  9. I feel that if we make issues over the way "adoption" is used, it puts a negative feeling around the world.

    The word "adoption" should mean everything that is good.

    When I adopted my children (from birth) and they were old enough to understand, I told them how wonderful it was to be adopted, because they were specially picked.

    Adoption is a word, that to my family, means everything good. Love, kindness, joy, happiness, compassion, understanding, etc. etc. so having a pumpkin adoption sound cute and I have nothing against it.  But that is me.

    I look as the word as a happy. joyful word, because that is what is brought to our family.

  10. Doesn't sound offensive to me.. I wouldn't have thought a thing about it actually.

  11. I don't think it was offensive. I don't think the peron who wrote it was trying to offend anyone.

  12. I doubt it was supposed to be offensive, just someone's way of trying to be witty. I hope no one took offense.

  13. Now I wouldn't think it offensive. In fact the 'kin' part is rather clever.

    But as a child 'adopt', 'adopted', 'adoption' were all very loaded words to me because I always hated being adopted.  I know it's spun as being 'chosen', but I was always ashamed of it.

    Besides, unlike animals, pumpkins aren't BORN.  They're grown.  And even when I see 'puppies for adoption' signs, it has always implied leftovers no one wants.

    I know it wasn't meant to be offensive, but I guarantee there was a little adoptee at that school who was a bit hurt or embarrased by it.

  14. no its not offensive

  15. Not offensive to me.

    Here's the definition of "adopt" - means more than just adopting children.

    1. to choose or take as one's own; make one's own by selection or assent: to adopt a nickname.  

    2. to take and rear (the child of other parents) as one's own child, specifically by a formal legal act.  

    3. to take or receive into any kind of new relationship: to adopt a person as a protégé.  

    4. to select as a basic or required textbook or series of textbooks in a course.  

    5. to vote to accept: The House adopted the report.  

    6. to accept or act in accordance with (a plan, principle, etc.).


    —Verb phrase7. adopt out, to place (a child) for adoption: The institution may keep a child or adopt it out.

  16. I don't think anyone was trying to be offensive. I mean growing up i saw adopt this or adopt that signs. I didn't take it personally. Considering it is a school though, i would think they would be more careful. In this day and age you have to be so political correct.

  17. it it is almost certain that you will encounter at least one person who will find it offensive.

  18. I personally don't find it offensive, and agree with most others that it was just someone's attempt at being cute.  

    That being said, if someone does find it offensive, I would use this as an opportunity to talk to the preschool and educate them about adoption.  I believe the more that we educate the people around us about things, the better off we all are.

  19. I don't think it's offensive - stupid maybe - yeah - I vote for stupid.

  20. not a bit. we "adopt" pets too, thats not considered offensive.

  21. I think it's cute.

  22. No, I don't think it's offensive.  Adopt is just a word.  

    People adopt attitudes, highways, family's (to give presents to around the holiday's), pets, trees, and apparently pumpkins....none are offensive in my opinion.

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