
Do you think this is funny or is it just my sister??

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my sister is making a shirt because her friend is deslexic or what ever its called . on the front its a cow and in a word bubble it says oooooooom and the on the back it says ima dislexic cow... idk if it is or not but im trying to tell her that it might be offensive or it could be funny to people or it could be just plain stupid




  1. that sounds pretty mean.

  2. no its not funny ur sister is mean for doing that tell her 2 get a life tell her to make a shirt about herself and how stupid she is making fun of sloww people

  3. thats kinda confusing but i think its mean. She shouldnt do that because her friend can get offended and would get really mad.  

  4. dude that's offensive if its not he friend and like some person she doesent like it would make a pretty good comeback for something bad the person did but its her friend i think calling someone a cow is pretty messed with

  5. that's just mean and offensive to all dyslexic people...

    you need to stop your sister from doing this NOW

  6. that's hilarious


  7. soooo dumb...

  8. it is very offensive and it would hart her friend when people point and laugh

  9. thats rude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

    plain rude...

  10. i think there's a line between playing with your friends and offending a wider circle. the subtitle being that harshly misspelled might be a bit much but i mean i think it's kinda funny myself as long as her friend is good humored about her dyslexia.  

  11. PLEASE!!!! its so stupid. a cow??? comon now.

  12. that sounds mean.

  13. im very sad :( but im bored so what shold u do? :( i thnik im a go too sleep :(

  14. Just plain mean & disrespectful!!!

  15. i get it....but it sounds STUPID!

  16. It must be funny.

  17. I laughed, but I'm a sick b*****d with a weird sense of humor.  hahaha  

  18. Tell your "sister" that jokes like that are controversial and the only way to know if its funny is to see if people laugh. If your "sister's friend" doesn't mind then it should be fine. HEYY! Who put those quotes in here?

  19. That's extremely offensive and dumb.  

  20. Yeah it's really not funny in the slightest.  Dyslexic people don't speak or write backwards so it doesn't make sense either.  You need to halt the production of this t-shirt,

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