
Do you think this is nasty?

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Lunch menu for my school look at whats for Feb 15 is it nasty?




  1. sounds pretty nasty atleast u have a lot of choices at my school we have greasy pizza every single day and school lunches r supposed to horrible.

  2. HEY HEY HEY...

    those cafeteria ladies work hard and put their sweat and blood into your food...

    and all you do to show them your thanks is ask if it is nasty...

    if this question leaks...

    they will probably poison your food...

    you have been warned...

  3. it sounds nasty.

  4. it is nasty

  5. No looks tasty to me.....

  6. its better than what we had in my elementary. :<

  7. in all honesty, that menu loks a lot more appetizing than what we had when i went to school. try "baked chicken, corn, mashed potatoes, peanut butter stuffed celery stick, and lime jello with cottage cheese"

    we either ate what the cafeteria offered, brown bagged it from home, or we went hungry.

    you should be glad that you have the choices that you do.

  8. yes

  9. It's better than nothing.  You American Kids are so appreciate of what you have.

  10. No! I wish I had some food like that when I was in elementary school! Shoot... be thankful for that good stuff you have up at your school girl!

  11. Well you can't expect anything better from schools.Lunches at schools are horrible!

  12. what on earth is a 'fishwich'

    sorry for you!  pack your lunch!!

  13. haha we get presidents week off

  14. I've seen worse. And I agree with the first poster. You need to be a little bit more careful when posting stuff on the internet. People are nuts.

  15. its way better than mine

  16. This is a Fish on Friday theme and the grossest part is the French Toast Sticks which might be served with maple syrup, right?  Maple syrup with fish does sound gross to me.

    May we all puke together now please?  BLEEAAACCCKK!!

    (smiles...just kidding)

  17. Order Take Out.

  18. i think that you shouldn't be posting what school you go to on the internet.

  19. Doesn't look bad. Why is it nasty?

  20. i agree with carole j's far as the food is concerned, i think your mother could pack a much healthier meal for you without all the fat.

  21. it sounds nasty

  22. It is the typical school lunch menu. Looks like my daughters school menu.

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