
Do you think this is normal??

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OK im 22 1/2 weeks pregnant. :)

this is my first child.

I dont know if its a boy or girl yet. i find out next wednesday.

but anyways thats not what im here to ask.

Everyone tells me that im so small. No one can tell im pregnant.

im very worried. I have seen people with due dates after mine and are bigger then me.

do you think that i am normal to be this small.




  1. yea my friend is that big and shes 24 weeks. everyone grows in different ways. everyone is not the same. you will be ok and so will your baby :]

  2. You look a bit small, but not abnormally small!  Everyone's body carries a baby differently.  It may be the way he/she is lying that's deceptive.  One morning he/she might have turned and you'll have doubled in size overnight, lol.

    As long as your doctor is happy with how things are progressing, that's the main thing, they're the professional afterall.

  3. I'm sure your baby is fine. The thing is, if you have a long torso then the baby has more room to stretch out, thus you don't so as much. I just recently had a child and no one but my close friends could tell I was pregnant when I was over 35 weeks along. So long as your doctor isn't worried, you shouldn't be either.

  4. Very Normal. Some women just don't show as much as others and some show more. It's not bad, it's just you. You'll drive yourself crazy if you compare yourself with other pregnant women.

  5. first child huh? CONGRATS!!!! lol anyhoo, its way normal for that t happen. i didnt show til i was 6 months preggo!! crazy right?? but it will be way different for your second me.

  6. It's normal, as long as your doctor isn't conerned then don't worry, because it will just get your mind thinking things, you don't want to think about.  Stress and worrying is not good for you or your baby.

    When my niece was pregnant, she only gained about 12/13 pounds, and delivered around 35 weeks.  The baby was small, she only weighed a little over 4 lbs, but was the healthiest little girl.  My niece wore a size 0 or 1 before she got pregnant and continued to wear that size the entire pregnancy, she just couldn't button them.  You look to have a petite (smaller) frame and if you do, then you may not get very big.  

    Good Luck and Congrats.

    Remember don't stress about it, and if your still worried just talk to your doctor.

  7. Everyone carries diffently... I wouldn't worry.  

  8. Wow that is really small for you to be 22 1/2 week preg, imo. I think you should check it out.

  9. i think it's normal. i was still in my regular clothes until about 7-8 months .after that i got huge . some woman just dont show much .  

  10. yes it is ok but ask your doctor at the next visit.  my son was born at 22 weeks; he was one pound. Doing great now at 8 years.

  11. Since it's your first pregnancy it's typical.  You won't show for probably another few weeks.  Your second/third/whatever pregnancies you will show much earlier as your body has already gone through it's changes to allow the birth/development of your baby.

    Enjoy it, once he/she is born things get much harder.

  12. if you're really worried just talk to your dr on wednesday, just to make sure you're gaining enough weight, but everyone is different.  in a few weeks you might pop.  iknow girls like that when they like woke up one morning and were like whoa whered that come from!

  13. yes, i didn't show til 26 weeks and then i got huge.

  14. Hi, You are bigger now than my wife was the day she gave birth and the result of that pregnancy is now 25 years old and healthy.

  15. I have a cousin that gained a few pounds, had very short periods and one day she got really big pains and went to get her appendix out and ended up having Nathan instead. LOL

    Everyone is different. Some don't show for a long time, others start showing right away.

    Eat healthy and take care of yourself - everything else will be fine. Listen to your doctor.

  16. Even though I have not had a baby, I know that that is normal. My older sister, when she had a baby, she barely got any bigger. Her son is now 19 months old and is, and always has been, a healthy baby.

  17. your normal, as long as your baby is growing and you feel movements, your fine. congrats and best of luck to you.

  18. wow yeah you look extremely small. I mean everyone is different, but what is your Doctor saying.  

  19. That is definitely unusually small for someone pregnant. I had a classmate and she got huge within 5 months and only had one child! By the way she was thin before. GASP!!! You're an alien! ... J/k. Just go to a doctor and get an ultrasound for more information.

  20. Every persons body is different from the next.  I didnt grow much at until about 20 weeks, and since then it has been growing by the second!  The baby doesnt start putting on any real weight until about now, so you should be fine!  If this is your first, it will take longer to start growing.

  21. it depends on how big u where before pregnancy

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