
Do you think this is ok?

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My wife is pregnat with our 1st child, we had a difference of opinion on a matter, would like to know your opinions.

I feel that its perfectly fine to bath with our little one until about 3 yearsof age, my wife however feels this is completely inappropriate?

obviously not right away, but once he can walk. What do you think?




  1. I have two brothers and two sisters, we all shared baths with both our mum and dad (not at the same time...). I don't see at all how people could think this is inappropriate. It's merely a parent and child, sharing time together. It's weird to even think it would be anything dodgy.

  2. i think its okay for the mom to do so, but girls should not bathe in my opinion with a man because then questions will be asked like mommy whats that thing and if anything were to occure god forbid, i would want for my daughter to describe the situation properly. but its okay to bathe your kids and you can bathe with your son!

  3. I personally think its ok but i would find it weird once the child begins exploring/touching/asking questions about parents bits and peices.

  4. I've always bathed with my son since he started being bathed, I felt it was safer, he's 18 months old now.

    Maybe she just feels it's inappropriate for 'you' to bath with the child if it's a girl, which I understand.

    For herself though, she'll need to get used to being naked with the child anyway, to breastfeed them

    (unless you want to increase the baby's risk of cot death, leukemia, obesity, infections, cancers, etc etc by using formula)

    hope you resolve this any how :)

  5. if the baby's a girl its fine if she baths with her mother until dat age...but if its a boy its kinda weird if a dad baths with their i wouldnt recomend dat but a mother and daughter is perfectly fine!!

    hope yall find a sollution to this

  6. Some of my most special times w/ my daughter is while taking bubble baths in the tub.  She also showers with me.  It is absolutely one of our favorite things to do together.  When she gets older, it won't be all that appropriate, but until at least 5 or so, it shouldn't be anything to question.

    Good luck!

  7. My son is 2 and a half and we bath with him. Not everytime cuz hes a little fussy! But it is a great way to bond and so natural!

    It is especially a great way for father child bonding seen as though at the start of your little ones life its mostly going to be with mommy with breast feeding etc,

  8. I still wash up with my son.I am a female and he is well... aboy. i think that if you are in the tub to WASH and clean up...then it is should be get a sexual feeling about your children. if you have a problem with washing with your child... maybe covering your areas with a towel would help you over come? If it is due to something else then i would suggest not bathing with the baby!!! I dont think that a child bathing with their parents till they are 5 or 6 is a bad thing.when they start school i would moniter them but i would cut off the bathing with them. they might say something about the last bathing experience at school by accident and someone could take it the wrong way. *(even if it is innocently cleaning them up... people are sick!)*

    Being nakid is nothing to be ashamed of. Children need to know about body contact. it is reassuring. If your child is a female and you are weird about bathing with her you could use swim shorts to cover your areas. or as i said above,a towel! but i think that you should be washing with your children. it is a time to bond with them.just as any other time!

    even before walking... like at about 6 months old... I would bathe with them. it is ok to be nakid around your children. Some people have weird phobias! i would not worry. it is to be clean and it is innocent... not sexual.

  9. My husband was happy to bathe with our son until he was about 18 months old, but has never and would never bathe with our daughter-he just didnt feel it was appropriate. Its a personal thing-you can have loads of fun bathing with your kids and for some busy parents it may be part of the quality time that they have together. But, if your wife thinks its not appropriate then i think you should take that into consideration -you don't want it to cause bad feelings. You can still stay outside the bath and have fun with them!!

  10. i don't think its inappropriate.he would still be very young and i believe i took showers with my mom when i was that age.

  11. ok i think it is ok to shower or bathe with your child up until a centain age maybe 3 or 4 i think it will help you bond more with your child just to spend these little momments together as they get older yeah that would be inappropriate :) hope it helps

  12. Its just my husband, I and my almost 5 yr old, and although we no longer shower together (son is a water hog) we did up until a few months ago.  We also are used to seeing each other pop in and out of the shower nude, its no big deal at all and because of that my son really hasnt expressed much curiousity between the differences of boys and girls...he just knows I am a girl.  When our son starts expressing he wants privacy, it will be different.  For now we share one bathroom and its convenient to not have to robe up when someone else needs to use it.    

  13. It's difficult to play lots of fun bath games when you're worried about getting your clothes wet! I don't think there is anything wrong with it.... As soon as you're getting pushed for space in there, it's maybe time to stop.

  14. i,m a dad of five kids and there a mix of boys and girls but i think society has made us all paranoid about peodo,s but bathing with the kids is normal.  you,ll know when its just time to give them privacy dont get caught up with the rubbish the news feeds you and enjoy your kids and teach them your values,    but well done for talking to your partner and and being a good parent it aint easy i know have faith there will be plenty more to test ya!!!!!  

  15. i agree with your wife but its all about personal opinions

  16. I think you should have your baby first and go with the flow.  Once YOU feel that it is a little awkward, then stop.  If you have a daughter do you really want to take a bath with her at 3 and her watching YOU naked?  It depends on the parents and the s*x of the baby.  My husband has NEVER showered or bathed with our daughter ever and has never let himself be seen even for a second, naked.  I on the other hand sometimes still take a bath or shower with her to speed up our night time routine or if we have to go somewhere.  She is 21 months old.  

  17. I think it is absolutely fine.  We did it with ours and it has had no adverse effects on either of them.

  18. I bath with my 2 children the eldest being 3. Its is not some thing we do as often as when they were tiny ( bath seems to be getting smaller!) but they love it and I see no problem and don't plan on stopping yet. Maybe your wife will feel different once she has got to know your new baby. good luck :)

  19. There's nothing wrong with it.  I bathed with my son while he was an infant.  He still takes showers with Daddy on occasion.  Is still very young, and I know it's nothing but innocent.  

  20. its a little weird. you can just bathe your child, you dont have to bathe with him/her. why would you want to bathe with an infant?  

  21. I've bathed with both of my children.  I think it's a very good way to bond with your child.  I bathed with my oldest until she was about four and we still occasionally shower together - she's 6 1/2.  It's all preference, but if your wife feels uncomfortable with it, you may have to just accept that.  There are other ways to bond with baby.  Also, she may feel differently once the baby is here!

    Congratulations on your upcoming bundle of joy!

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