
Do you think this is possible?

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my father had diabetes for as long as i can remember, apparently till last week since he went to the doctor and he checked and was amazed also.

It all started when i was at work in europe and i heard of some kind of a cure and i bought it and sent it to my father he was taking it and they also gave me some liquid that he has to pour over if he gets cuts or things like that, anyways he was taking it for a month and he didn't need insulin shots no more, but him being himself wanted to wait it out so he waited for 6 months after that and now he went to the doctor and this is what he is saying that my father is not diabetic anymore, he did 3 tests and it all came back negative so i am wondering if this is some kind of mistake or is it really true?




  1. Yes it is possible. I have seen cases where people have been declared symptom free and subsequently non- diabetic after years  of diabetic history. In all types - Type 1 , Type 2 and what is for ease called type 1 and a half - apparently,  the glands resume operation due to overall  systemic change, sparked off by one of the involved systems.

    Medicine's intervention  may have caused, assisted  or may be purely coincidental. Is he into yoga or some such thing.

  2. While there are cases of people recovering from chronic illnesses (cancer, diabetes, etc), they are fairly rare.

    I have known type 2s who go on insulin, eventually get their diabetes under control, go off the insulin thinking they are cured (there are even questionable doctors out there telling them they are cured).  The lucky ones can maintain control with diet and exercise.  The unlucky ones eventually die.  

    However, your story is SO similar to the gimmicks we see in the forums of snake-oil type cures to incourage people who desparately want it to be true to email you and buy the questionable product.

    If such a real cure existed, it'd've been in the news, researchers would be conducting studies and publishing peer reviewed papers on it, and some pharmacuetical company would pay big-bucks to own all rights to the product, and then charge mega-bucks to the diabetics who can afford a cure.  Such a cure would be in high demand and insurance companies would be fighting over whether to cover it or not (which is cheaper, the cure or lifetime maintance drugs?).


  3. It depends: if he had type 1 (juvenile onset) diabetes, there is no cure. However, type 2 diabetes (adult onset) is reversible, usually through diet and exercise. My guess is that if your father's diabetes is gone, he must have had type 2 and may have already been on the road to recovery, and the 'cure' might have helped him along.  

  4. Absolutely, I think it could happen.  Unfortunately, it dont surprise me that you first heard of this while in europe, because the american FDA bans and wont approve a lot of "cures" because it would lose money and so would the pharmaceutical companies.  Think about it.... if everything had a cure, we would no longer have a need for doctors, FDA, pharmaceutical companies, or our healthcare system in general.  Another tip, look into vitamin B17 that our FDA wouldnt approve because it prevents and cures cancer.  Yes, they have also researched this in europe and found it to be true. They say that if you look at cancer cells under a microscope and add a drop of B17 to it, you literally see the cancer cells drop off like flies.  

  5. Well whats the name of the STUFF?????

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