
Do you think this is proof of ghosts in daylight?

by  |  earlier

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I think it's highly unlikely that a ghost would cast a shadow so I'm accusing this photo of being fake.




  1. i dont ever want to see that picture again

    it made my girlfrend go all weirld like they do after watching that vid from the ring

  2. Ha ha!

    They're playing Ring Around the Rosies.

  3. Jeez, I dunno.... that's a toughy. I'll have to incorporate the help of my paranormal research friends on this one. We'll be there with our equipment in a jiffy.  

  4. yeah it is fake duh!!

  5. YES!  You have found the proof of the paranormal!

    You have won the million dollar prize offered by James Randi!

    Please go to his site, and make application.

    Remember, that I am the one who directed you there!  :)

    I sure hope you didn't fake this, as it is easy to fake apparition pictures.   So this may just be a good fake.

  6. Its definitly REAL!!!!!!

    LOL =D

  7. yes

  8. mmm... it looks so real! lool  

  9. Hahaha You t*t

  10. LOL!!! :-D

  11. Wow! That scared the c**p out of me! How dare you say that photo looks fake, they look so real!


  12. I can't believe you managed to capture such convincing phenomena during the day!

    I was skeptical but now i BELIEVE!!!!

  13. this is a natural phenonoman, called spritititus, this is when a group of artistes get together to pull the wool over peoples eyes. Those that believe them are just W******************

  14. Ha!  You should send that to Yvette Fielding she'd c**p herself.

  15. Classic!

  16. even for someone like me who believes in weird and paranormal stuffs it looks like a joke. even if u use it for halloween it would't work.

  17. LOL!

    That was a great laugh =) A * for you

  18. Perhaps ghosts are shadows and i think that photos about as real as big foot is  

  19. I sure hope so.

    Incidentally I have seen a picture taken in a graveyard in the daylight that had an 'apparition' on it.

    Thanks for the picture!

  20. lol thats funny :)

  21. ha lol, no, i totally agree with you there :p

  22. Ha I like that!

    Your a bit of a joker aint ya :)

  23. Noooooooooooooooooo

    Its all true I tell you.

    Its all True

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