
Do you think this is racist?

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at the swimming pool where ma mum works, you know how they have it set out lets say 7am-9am ladies only, well they have one for blacks only, its called asians, and its £1 each for them

should i complain to the council or somthing about this?

how much $hit would that cause if it was whites only!!!




  1. yes it's racist! complain

  2. It would be shut down immediately.

  3. Yes. Some would call it reverse racism but it's all the same. Racism...

  4. That's not only racist and discriminatory it's disgusting.

  5. Most swimming baths have a asian women night.  Part of their religion is that they are not seen semi clothed in front of men.  It is not racist against whites given they have use of the pool for around 95% of the time.  There are also sessions for white pregnant women, for children only and so on. Be a little tolerant.

  6. We don't exactly know who are the racists so what are we complaining about ? The sign works both ways. It seems both sides are offended.

  7. That is racist - check the Race Relations Act 1976 & Equality Act 2006.

    Is it bizarre that now a days racism seems to be fine - one way only.

  8. yes i think you have just cause to lodge a complaint on prejudicial grounds.i know i would.

  9. Yes you should complain lol i am black but i am still outraged.

  10. wow thats a bit racist lol  

  11. why don't you ask then why, maybe its for Muslim women only so they feel ok half naked

  12. Technically, it is. But Reversed from usual. But I kinda wouldn't reccomend it. :]?

  13. omg i would say that was rascist but they will get away with it saying religion and stuff people cant see there bare flesh or sumin... i see your point..  

  14. off course it is racist

  15. Do they offer them cold remedies??

  16. This is the crazy country we are living in when our rules have to be changed or ignored for a religion this will only get worse.Yes complain and keep complaining.

  17. yes you should complain if we did that to them they would they really holler whats fair for one should be fare for the other  

  18. I expect that you have a loony left council or else it is controlled by councillors or senior officers from the same ethnic group who are giving the perks. Their idea of equal opportunities is special opportunities for their favourite groups, but for no one else.

    It is racist, complain to the Equal Opportunities Board or Race Relations Board that your own ethnic group is not being given equal opportunities, and if that fails refer it upwards, Ombudsman, UK High Court, House of Lords Law Lords, European Commission of Human Rights. Try to enlist a specialist organisation dedicated to this, I'm sorry that I don't have the knowledge to help you further, perhaps one of the tabloids like the Daily Mail may be able to advise you.

  19. Yes it sounds separatist get in touch with your local council and the owners of the swimming pool.  

  20. question it''s racist...where is this happening?

  21. What a Joke!!! if it was the other way round there would be outrage

  22. They do it in my home town too, they call it Asian swimming, but the people at the pool are IGNANT!! lol I checked it out because i was like asian swimming?! wat the heks that! lol in our case it tuned out to be sessions for muslim women so they can take their headscarf's off and swim with other women etc.

    I was watching something on TV a few months back and they were saying something about some councils having nudist swimming for a local nudist group in the public pool and parents where complaining!

    The worlds mad I tell you, Why cant we just all get along?!

  23. It is happening elsewhere too. The Pool is booked for the exclusive use of Muslim Women . I am sure any group may book the pool for private groups .


  24. . That’s so bad. Why would they segregate white and blacks from Asians, that's not fair. this is the modern world and it shouldn't be like that.

  25. Try demanding a white only session and you will be branded a racist. Racism is racism no matter how it works, and should not be tolerated. This is little more than apartheid and should be declared a crime.

  26. well, at first I was thinking that it was racist because it's like segregating certain races.

    But thinking about it, they probably do this because of religious beliefs that asian women uphold, about their body and only allowing certain people to see it.

  27. Yup, that's racist.

    Unless it's something to do with religion. If that is the case, then it isn't, because the women aren't being around their own race because they believe their own race makes for better company, they're doing it because of their religion.

  28. Of course it isn't at all. At the end of the day you are living in a free and democratic UK and should be able to have your say without the do gooding bigwigs interfering. The British government is far too pro Islamic these days and needs to be ousted. Viva la Revolucion

  29. sounds like this is in England, racist??? to each their own interpretation I guess. It sounds racist to me.

  30. Oh big whoop, do you even know how many things you have just for black people? you even advertise in the paper and on job sites specifically requesting black people, your the racists, this is our country and we make the rules here.

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