
Do you think this is right or wrong?

by Guest34395  |  earlier

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A girl under 12 was in boots, trying on nail polish. She could not find a taster for the colour that she liked so she tryed some on her thumb. This is the bit I disagree with. She was told that she would have to buy the bottle or it would be theft. She was arrseted and hep parnets where made to pay for the bottle.




  1. she did pay for it so she was wrong.

  2. The store was in the right.  Arresting a 12 year old sounds a bit harsh but if you get enough people opening up merchandise that no one else will buy in the future, you start to run a deficit.  

    Was this policy displayed?

    The girl should have just been smart and bought the nail polish.  Maybe she could have gotten her parents to take some extra money to the store.  She ruined it, she had to pay.  It is an unfortunate occurrence.

  3. WHOA....wrong!!! dude just cuz u TRY on nail polish on ONE finger doesnt meant your stealing it!! unless u do ALL fingers then i would say something...but one finger??? STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    poor her :(

  4. Well every store has its own policies. I don't necessarily agree with that particular policy, but that's a lesson learned. Respect the property of others. It's a good thing she's 12 and not 18.

  5. that is why you don't try stuff. Either buy it or don't. Don't try it, unless it's ok, usually the only time it's ok, is if there is a tester sticker on it. I think that she got what she deserved.

  6. I think using the term "arrested" is a bit much when referring to a 12 year old.  It's more likely she was detained by some mall security cop who was bored.

    Yeah, it went over the line.  I'd personally write tons of letters to the management of the store asking for a very sincere apology.

  7. I agree with the store.  Nail fungus is GROSS!! and can be spread through using someone else's polish. That and even children need to learn to respect what is not theirs.

  8. I'm not sure how the arrest was carried out, but yes, her parents need to pay for the bottle.  What if she had a nail fungal infection or poor hand-washing habits?  I wouldn't want someone using the nail polish I want to buy on their fingers.  She should have suggested they get a tester rather than testing the actual product.

  9. She should have found someone and asked if they could put a test bottle out.  If she tries it, doesn't like it and leaves the bottle, the bottle now has less than what it's supposed to (albeit a minute amount).

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