
Do you think this is right ?

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I find people enjoy taking the shopping cart all the way home and dumping it infront of their building. It remains there for days and gets trashed. Sometimes I see them stranded several kilometres from the supermarket.

Do we pay extra for our groceries to cover the expense of repairs for the trolley ?

I also notice that many trolleys are hard to manoeuvre because the wheels are damaged.

Why do supermarkets allow this ?




  1. I am not sure why stores dont do more to  fix this problem, but surely it is spendy.

    As usual, those that dont care cost the rest of us so much.

    For every cart that is lost, or for each thing stolen from the stores, they wont just eat the costs. Those costs are passed on to us ppl that do care.

    I  know a person that works in a store and they said today this adds up to huge cost, and even to just have the wheels fixed, is very expensive. There are ppl that travel around to the stores just to do this, and it is expensive.

    Maybe those of us that do care, need to tell the managers of the stores when we see this, so they know where carts are and can retrieve them

    A friend of mine in the bay area of California now says they are charging for the carts, and if you bring them back, you get your money back,otherwise you dont.

    PErhaps this will stop a lot of it.

    But, still we that do care have to pay as well, for all of those that dont.

    One bad apple always will spoil the rest, unless that apple is tossed.   WE must just pray for these ppl and do the right thing ourselves, as GOd will deal with those that wont hear and obey His word.

    If we remain silent, we say its ok.

    Silence is not always golden.

    Sister Shirley

  2. Laziness and the lack of a car are the main contributors to this...

    People do not actually realise that each trolly cost around $100 to make...

    Most supermarkets used to hire people to travel around local areas and get them or paid money to people that would bring them back...I use to do it as a kid...

    They don't do that anymore unfortuantly...

    Low maintanence on the trollies affects the manoeuvrebility or lack of...

    I am sick of seeing dams and rivers clogged up with these...

    And look at most trolly gatherers at shopping centres...when they are not high as a kite they are just sitting there smoking cigerettes...

    The price of the groceries does not support this..It supports our outlandishly high rates and taxes that is put on produce...

  3. Lots of supermarkets now have a pound charge to use a trolley,which you get back when you put the trolley back .It would be a good idea for all supermarkets to do this,it would prevent lazy shoppers from abandoning trolleys all over the place.

  4. sI think it is horrible that people do the shopping carts. I to see them all over the parking lots, etc and yes I feel that the grocery stores have to mark the prices up some what to cover the expense of the carts.

    I have noticed that some stores (came across a couple while traveling) charge 25 cents for the use of the buggy. You have to put the quarter in and pull the buggy out, when you are finished putting the groceries in the car take it back in and get your quarter back. If all the stores would do this it may cut down on how people treat the carts. It would be a little harder on the customer but once again, one person can hurt it for everyone.

  5. Best thing you can do is call the supermarket and tell them there are abandoned carts from their store and they will pick them up. People who don't have cars will usually take their groceries home in the supermarket carts, they don't return these to the stores.

  6. merry cristmas

  7. I would imagine that yes, somehow we are passed the price of new carts the store must buy when people take them by slight increases in the stores products.

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