
Do you think this is something to ponder about cows?

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during the mad cow epidemic, our government tracked down a single cow, born in canada, right down to the stall she was kept in state of washington, but they are unable to track illegal aliens wandering around our country. maybe we could, if they had a cow!!!




  1. nice one!!!

  2. Not too sure but I guess some one will find an udder way!!

  3. Well, I think humans have the ways and means to travel around more and be a little more difficult to follow, but I get your drift. Good one!

  4. You gotta love them cows, ha ha ha. Well I  will tell  you that over here the immigration is having a field day busting illegals, and  to Federal Prison they go. They found a bunch of em building a hotel, working in restaurants, gardeners, etc. The INS, is clamping down hard for a change.

  5. Hey, C.W....!

    Good grief!

    BEFORE the advent of the (*gag*) Patriot Act... I'd have said it is because

    cows -poor things- don't have "rights"... but...

    Since the PATRIOT ACT, NO ONE and NOTHING has rights!

    So.. I'm guessing cows aren't avoiding the Feds.

    Cuz  -near as I can tell- unless someone stands out in the open -

    waving their arms and YELLING! "Here I am!" -

    they can't find ANYONE!

    (And even then... ) *tsk*...

    Maybe they should put the Center For Disease Control on it? }:>

    EDIT: AND! Before anyone gets all  huffy...   : /

    I did NOT liken illegal aliens to disease.

    That's the"outfit" that found the COW! is what I'm saying.  

  6. I see you got to the " meat of the matter." Sad, isn't it?

    They are able to track a person. They just don't care to. That idea of them having a cow just might work! lol

  7. Nope, the illegal aliens would leave the cow, and take off on their own!

    That way the government would only find the cow and not the illegal aliens.  HA HA  Good one.  Love your jokes cupcake caper.

  8. OH h**l YA!!!. high five there friend. or maybe we need to put get their ear pierced w a one...u get a star!

  9. now:that's NO BULL

  10. so true! We need more cowbell

  11. Good one mate!

  12. Yeah, but the cow was trying to return a clearance-priced toaster at Walmart!

    Did you know that aside from insizers , we have the same grazing molars as cows?  Teeth and intestines pretty much the same!

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