
Do you think this is sort of sick?

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My best friend moved to NYC two years ago, and she has sort of become a ultra-liberal-out-of-touch-elitist in that time period... and I say that in the nicest way possible, we've been friends since we were kids and I love her regardless.

Anyways, I was on the phone with her, and she told me her boyfriend, who is an EXTREMELY wealthy ultra liberal urban elitist, is currently in Iowa working to save pigs that have been abandoned by farmers.

I was a little bit stunned by this. I mean.. with all the horrible things that are happing in the world, he went to Iowa to save PIGS? He went to an area devastated by a natural disaster, and instead of working to help people, is saving PIGS?

Does that seem a little sick to you?




  1. It borders on humor.

  2. Yes, at first glance, the guy's attention being drawn to saving pigs over people does seem a bit misdirected.  

    He could be "sick,"  in his own way -- perhaps the kind of sick one associates with obsessive interests and pursuits.   Then again, there's always the chance that he's just sick and tired of the pushy, aggressive New Yorkers he encounters day in and day out, and saving pigs is a welcome reprieve.

    On second thought, though, it would seem that the plight of pigs receives far less attention than charities involving people and domestic animals.  It's also very likely that endangered and wild animals, and even horses, are the beneficiaries of philanthropists and other altruists.

    The pigs of the world possibly don't fare as well, unless the special attentions they garner are related to fattening them up in time for Easter or seeing which one gets the coveted blue ribbon at the county fair.  

    What's an irrefutable fact  (and a sad one, at that)  is that more people should be in tune to the tragic lives of pigs (and elephants).   They are smart animals:  One pig  - the potbellied variety -  was on the news for her heroism in saving her owner's life.   Apparently the owner had fallen to the floor unconscious; her pig, Rosie, made a mad dash outside and lay across the road, "playing dead" in order to summon the attentions of  passersby.   It worked;  a motorist came through, stopped upon seeing Rosie, and then obligingly followed the frantic porker into the house whereupon he found Rosie's master near death.  

    The inhumane conditions and cruelty some of these animals endure is enough to make me pass up forevermore anything that contains bacon.   Same with elephants:  No circuses  for my kids and me.

    Sorry to get off track.   As you can see, your friend's new beau is not  the only one who is a little sick from the neck up.

  3. Well, there is nothing wrong with helping animals (pigs) they need help too. Yet I understand the core of your opinion is that he could be using his money to help other people, which may be better to some. I find him to be an animal lover not sick.

  4. Your Best friend Sounds like my best friends who moved to new york 2 years ago from Miami. Yea and that does sound pretty dumb.

  5. Very much so, but such is the nature of the ultra liberal. Human life is expendable and animal life is precious.

    They have their values backwards!


  7. I do not think it is sick, just not the best use of time, space, money and body.  He could be helping the hundreds of people displaced and in need instead of pigs.

  8. I never have heard of this but I do know pigs are very intelligent and social and have families they care for.

  9. No, saving lives of living beings does not seem sick to me. Taking lives of living beings (ie, killing) does.

  10. No.  People are more able to get rescued and there are few if anyone going to help the farm animals.  If you saw the farmer on TV talking about having to leave his farm animals to fend for themselves, and later finding them so swollen and sick after surviving in polluted water for days, maybe you would understand better.  They shot the pigs in effort to stop their suffering.  The pigs need to be humanely put out of their misery.  We trapped them and we are responsible for them too.  

    I wish we could help everyone.  I feel the people are at least "rescued" from immediate danger.  We should at least try to rescue all life from immediate danger, and as above, put them out of their misery in an ethical way.

    Don't judge someone else's motives.  Try to appreciate the good part of anyone's charitable efforts.  It is a selfless act of kindness to those that cannot help themselves.  Perhaps the man can only feel superior to pigs, due to poor self esteem, which born rich often suffer.   Sad.  Very sad.  Not sick.

  11. It goes without saying that most efforts would prioritize humans as opposed to animals and perhaps this is the reason he chose not to forget the pigs... after all, they are alive too. It would be odd if there is no relief for the people involved otherwise I personally see no problem with his love for animals. It creates balance and emphasizes that all life is sacred.

  12. No it's not sick, he's just doing what he feels like doing. There are some people out there who contribute to helping nothing at all, so at least he's doing something.

  13. No sickness must be minting money out of this.

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