
Do you think this is stupid and she overreacted?

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So I had a little conflict with my bff today. We were hanging out at our campus just talking and whatever. It was her (my bff), a friend of hers, a guy friend of mine, and me. The thing is, we're not really friends with her friend. In the past she wanted to have lunch with us but my bff doesn't seem to want to include her in because she thinks we won't mesh. She says she's straight and close minded and I'm g*y and out. Well I say she's ashamed of us (me and my guy friend) but I say it in a joking manner. I don't think she really is ashamed of us, I know she just thinks that her friend would probably not really click with us. But she says she feels bad when we say that. She takes it really personal. But she does the same to me and I don't take it seriously at all.

So here's what happened:

My friend went off and said "is this the girl you don't wanna invite to have lunch with us cuz you're ashamed of us?" but he totally said it in a joking way. I just laughed and went on with it. She got pissed and left with her. She didn't talk to me through the whole day after that. I called her to see why she was so mad and we ended up arguing. I know he shouldn't have said that in front of the girl but still, I think she's overreacting and making it a big deal. This makes me feel like high school all over again! Why are girls such drama queens? If it were me, I would've took it as a joke and kept going with the flow or I would've been like, dude you shouldn't have done that but gotten over it quick. I know he didn't mean no harm, he says stuff without really thinking (and she knows this). I don't want our friendship to change because of this.

Oh and before anyone asks why is this in this section, its cuz I'm LGBT myself so don't bother =), thanks.




  1. that is sorta overreacting,

    but i guess it depends on what sort of relationship you have with her, some people are more serious, and some are more laid back.

    like with me, some friends i have to be more careful with what i say around them, because they might just take it the wrong way. But then i have some friends where we can just outright make fun of each other and say stupid stuff and its ridiculously funny, and everythings good.

    but i do think shes overreacting.

  2. I don't know for sure, but I think the reason she got upset was because that was the reason she doesn't want you guys to have lunch hurt her that you knew, so she got upset.

    Again, I don't know for sure, but what you need to do is talk to her about it and find out if that was the reason...if it is, then you also need to talk about that...

  3. If she just got upset about him saying that, I think she overreacted. So the only other option is that there is some underlying meaning as to why she doesn't ask this girl to come to lunch with you guys and she was afraid the girl would ask about it.

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