
Do you think this is supernatural?

by  |  earlier

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I've been trying to contact spirits useing variouse techniques in me and my partners bedroom.

Not ouija boards.

The bedroom is always the coldest room in the house and sometimes we can feel a light breez on our arms or legs in the living room even tho the windows are shut. when it happened to me I asked if my partner could feel it and he said no. So he put his hand a little above my arm and he could feel the slight breez.

Do you think this is supernatural?




  1. it sounds to me like a draft, nothing paranormal.

    Perhaps placing a local space heater in the room will make it more cozy and seem less spooky.

  2. It does sound like a circulation thing, not paranormal.

    At my parent's house their room is the coldest and if that door is open just a tiny bit we feel a breeze flow through the house. As soon as we close the door the breeze is gone.

  3. Based on the information you provided I see nothing particularly paranormal at work here.  Insulation and circulation determine which room is coldest, not spirits.  The slight breeze could be no more than normal house circulation.

    It seems like you believe in spirits and are now seeking affirmation.

  4. First off, what is your purpose for calling spirits? Do you just have a curiosity?

    Let's say you have really contacted spirits, do you know what to do once you have called them? What if they are harmful or confused spirits and have attached to you?

    If you have not contacted spirits, then it is just the power of suggestion, the human body can react by suggestion and many of those breezes can be explained away.

    I would cease what you are doing whether this is real or not as you may be getting in way over your head. Also, throw out that Ouija board.

    Good luck.

  5. Might be but more likely it is just the air moving about.  If you want to try a fun experiment buy a helium balloon, one of the metelized ones is best.  Then using scotch tape start adding some strips of paper to weight it down.  Keep adjusting the amount of paper until the balloon doesn't sink and it doesn't rise.  

    Then let it float by itself and watch the way it moves around.  You will think the balloon was  I did this a lot one winter and it was a lot of fun.  Sometimes when I got up in the morning it took me a while to find it.  It would drift into another room and go behind a door or something like that.  Almost like it was hiding on me.

  6. no probably just a draft!!

  7. If it's supernatural, it will feel icy cold. Like standing in the snow naked cold, not your ordinary "oh the window is open" chilly. If that helps any.

    Oh, you'll also be able to feel it through your clothing. No amount of clothing will warm you if there's a spirit close to you (I have spirit cats that sit on my feet all the time, socks and a blanket don't help).

    It'll  also be an isolated cold spot (such as JUST on your feet, or JUST on the back of your right hand).

    You'll get a sense of being watched and the hairs on the backs of your arms and neck will stand on end. You'll get goosebumps.

    Also, in trying to contact spirits are you doing anything in the way of protecting yourself and/or controlling what comes to you? You need to specify or you WILL attract the darker...and then have trouble getting it to leave. May I suggest stating out loud that only good spirits, who are of the light, are allowed to come to you. Call on your guardian angels and ask them to surround you. Burn white candles (pure white not vanilla white). Burning Frankincense helps also. The darker spirits can't actually hurt you, but they can make your life a living h**l.

    Peace and love to you

  8. or maybe just a drafty room???

  9. That's not supernatural. Sorry, I think it's just a draft. If spirits were trying to contact you, they wouldn't be blowing on you.

  10. No.

    You may be more temperature sensitive than he is.

    Especially if you are always feel cold, and he doesn't.

    You could have a low iron intake, or low blood pressure if you look at it from a medical aspect.

    Normally if a building is haunted, other things will occur.

    Like hearing footsteps, or the muffled sounds of a conversation.

    Maybe you'll hear knocking noises, or things will move from one location to another.

    Strange odors, shadows, and a temperature drop of 10 degrees F or more is a good indication that you have a haunting.

  11. Well first you have to eliminate all normal explanations. Shutting the windows was a good start.

    Are any fans (including ceiling fans) on?

    Is the Air Conditioner and/or Heat turned off?

    Can these breezes be detected when you are not trying to contact the spirits? Many houses simply have drafts (poorly insulating windows and such can cause this).

    It is possible to feel things (say cold)  when there is no measurable difference because perception is very subjective. You could try something light in the path of the breeze and see if it moves (without you touching it).

    Also, can this activity (slight breeze) be found in another room when you try to contact the spirits. If not it may well have a normal explanation connected to that room.

    So, I have no idea if it is supernatural or not because you haven't yet provided information on how or what you did to examine other normal possibilities.


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