
Do you think this is this right?

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my boyfriend says he will not have s*x with me anymore untill I am on the pill. I'm 20. he's 21.

the reason for his ultimatum is because last night we had a condom break.

I am not comfortable with the pill, my family has a history of breast canser and i have allreadey had a cist removed.




  1. actually, your boyfriend sounds very responsible for requesting that

  2. You guys should talk about other alternatives.

    However you should know that the pill does NOT cause cancer.  In fact studies have shown that people on the pill are a lot less likely to get certain types of cancers and other diseases.

    Talk to your doctor about it!

    If you really aren't comfortable with it, think about other options! (ex: female condom, depoprivara)

  3. I don't think your boyfriend is wrong at all. In fact, I think that he is very reasonable in asking you to be on birth control. It is very responsible of him to request. Birth control pills do not cause breast cancer, and as far as the cysts go, they can actually help with that. I used to have cysts on my ovaries as well, which have lessened dramatically due to my birth control perscription. My personal opinion is that you should go for it.

  4. why don't you guys use spermacide AND a condom that way if the condom breaks it will still kill the sperm that way you don't have to risk your health by getting on the pill. you can also use a diaphram which is a thing you insert into yourself with spermacide cream on it...

  5. cmon hes a guy he needs s*x he will cave in eventually

  6. you and him go together to a doctor or a planned parenthood so you can discuss your options together and that way he'll know your not just making up excuses and what not there's more then just the pill

  7. Tell him you won't have s*x with him until you are married to eachother :)

  8. thats not right

  9. yes it is there are other birth control methods

  10. maybe you could tell your boyfriend the reason why you dont want the pill and they you could use a condom and he could oull out also. or you could use a condom as well as this spermacide stuff too.  

  11. The pill can decrease your chances of breast cancer, so i'm not sure what your point is there. I have cysts on my ovaries, and the birth control helps them too. There are TONS of benefits for taking the pill. If you don't like it, then try Nuvaring, the patch, Merina, Depo (the shot) or one of the many many other forms of birth control. Either way, your boyfriend is right, you definitely need to be on something.

  12. If this is a concern for you, go see a doctor.

  13. As far as I know, the pill doesn't increase the risk of breast cancer. It just slightly increases your risk of heart attack or blood clot. Unless there's a history of that in the family, I wouldn't worry.

  14. his condom broke? MAKE SURE UR NOT PREGG! IMMEDIATLEY!. and he was shocked, eventually he'll cave in.

  15. Does your boyfriend know this?  You should talk to him and the two of you need to decide on what birth control is best for both of you.  At least he is thinking about birth control.

  16. leave him he just wants you for the s*x and if he cant understand your feelings then hes an ***

  17. I think its right if that is how your bf feels. He obviously doesn't want to risk you should respect that. There is like a trillion other forms of dont have to just use birth control...or you could practice abstinence until you're married if you're both not ready to have a baby...that is 100% effective.

  18. There are alot of other alternatives.

    Like a patch, an injection, a diaphram, using spermacide when using condoms and I'm pretty sure there's some more!

    Your boyfriend is right to want to take precautions, and you have the right to choose weither or not you want to use the pill and because of your circumstances, I'd say you're right not to want to go on it.

    See your GP!

    Good luck!

  19. There's other methods of birth control, such as diaphragms and IUDs.

    He's a wise man, to be so adamant about avoiding pregnancy.

  20. I can understand how he feels.  He does not want you to get pregnant.  About the pill i assume that all pills cannot give you cancer.  Talk to your doctor he may have other options and see if they can give you something different that will not make you sick.  

  21. um ya its right if he dosnt want a kid its either that or go without s*x

  22. I think he's very responsible and you should listen to him. You can talk to your doctor about a pill thats right for you and won't hurt your body. Trust me, if a  condom breaks once, it can break again and then you'll really be sorry.

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