
Do you think this is true about people?

by  |  earlier

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Those who complain about others constantly, but never about themselves are those who are not satisfied with their life.




  1. yes possibly....

    but there are always exceptions

  2. yes

  3. Absolutely, you hit it on the head bc why be obsessed with someone elses life if you love your own.

  4. Most definitely! They are trying to put the spotlight on other people. Also, they see the same flaws in others as they clearly see in themselves. For example, if a girl thinks that she is getting chubby.. she'll constantly talk about other people's weights. Also, if a guy talks bad about another guy for no apparent reason, he could be jealous of him because he has a crush on that guy's girlfriend and he wishes he were him.


  5. Yes, dissatisfied with their lives and with themselves.

  6. Oh yeah.  That's putting it mildly.  Those who complain about ANYTHING constantly but fail to see how they have a responsibility too, are usually VERY unsatisfied with their lives.

  7. Yeah they try to blame other people trust me i know plus it happens in high school alot

  8. thats something highly to take into consideration but something else is that they don't really see who they are and they think they are "mr/mrs perfect"

  9. yeah I agree cause I am one of those people.

    I complain about other people because they are the ones who made me this way. But I really don't care, there just as judgmental as me.

  10. umm idk but that is interesting.

  11. Dang.. nice question :p. And yep.. i think so..

  12. I fully agree. I work with someone like this and from what we know about his life, he has no one and nothing.

  13. sure i think so, but you cant just generalize it like that.

    there are always exceptions. [=

  14. I definitely think thats true. I also think its sad that they feel they have to do this.

  15. Yes, absolutely.

  16. I agree.

  17. yes indeed, Are you complaining?

  18. no i dont think so

  19. I believe so. Sometimes certain insecurity's in a person make that person criticize and put down others for the sole purpose of lifting their own spirits.

    I believe people who do that constantly, actually forget what they're doing because it has become too natural for them.

    It's like a defence mechanism, once they put the attention on other people's flaws, it repels from theirs.

  20. Yes, I think it's true.

  21. Yes, because they need to complain to feel good about themselves.

  22. yea, they wanna make people feel lower so they can feel superior

  23. Agree,100%

  24. agree

  25. Not always, but much of the time, yes.  There are no absolutes.

  26. yessssssssss

  27. yups

  28. yes true, its funny i was thinking the very same thing today


  29. 100% true

  30. yes. the only reason someone would complain about others would proly be coz they are jealous of them.

  31. Yes, because I know some people like this.  They're not very pleasant to be around and they're always playing the blame game.

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