
Do you think this is true or false?

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If CFC's were to be banned by all countries tomorrow, the destruction of the ozone layer would quickly be stopped.




  1. False!

  2. False.

    CFC's depleting ozone is last year's lie.  

    Industry causing global warming is this year's lie.

    Mankind has no idea what caused the hole in the ozone, or how many thousands of years it has been there.

    Neither does anyone have the ability to predict the weather in a month, much less, years into the future.

  3. that's a bit of false and a bit of true.false because the sun is mostly responsible for this process. true because it will be a bit reduced.if u r doing any homework, you may write false.

  4. False...there is more to our ozone depletion than simply CFC's, like the radiations being given off by the tons of  NASA garbage we've dumped into our orbits, plus the disturbances we cause with our running amok up there with our current technologies of space exploration...add in the devastation of plant life that filters our air & UVs down here, and the gaseous build up from our methane-producing garbage dumps under grounds...and the list goes on & on.

    Do not be overwhelmed by the media propaganda about "global warming" is an inevitable part of evolution, both of our planet, sped by our own's simply changes we will need to adapt to or be eliminated by.  The Earth, a living creature in it's own right, has her ways of shaking off parasites that do more harm than good...she always has.

    Unfortunate of our species, is that we are so h**l-bent on power that we have forgone our responsibility of stewardship & will continue to do so--it is a "now" thing, not a "future" thing...a shame, but, part of the process of the planet evolving...She will always have top say in these matters, and she will adapt well in the coming Changes, as done for millenia...we, on the other hand are but another species that may come & go as others who cannot adapt as well.

    Good Journey!!!

  5. thats kind of like asking if you stop whacking your head into a wall right now will it stop hurting right away.  Im sure that there is enough in the atmosphere to continue the degredation for some time, but there are alternatives to cfc's that could be used that are cheap enough that they should be implemented today not tomorrow.

  6. Can't answer that one.  What we do know it that if we were to resume using CFC's at the level we were in the 1970's it would open up as wide or wider than it was then.

    CFC's have been banned by the biggest users, but not by everyone as you point out.  The ozone hole has shrunk, but not closed.  It really wasn't expected to close immediately.  Now it seems to be slowing down in the rate it is closing.  I suspect CFC use is resuming  (or starting) in some areas.


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