
Do you think this is true? people of different nationalitys and cultures have much more in common than?

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  1. nationalities.

    yes, they are common as:

    1. human baings on earth


  2. It's true that there are fundamental commonalities between people of different nationalities and cultures, such as the need for food and water, shelter, family, friends, love, community, source of self-esteem, goals in life. But the context through which we view these values can be extremely different, and our attitudes about the world around us can be radically different as well.

    Take for instance cultural differences between the Philippines and the United States. The Philippines and the United States are both extremely diverse culturally, but if you take a close look at the value systems in the countries, you find major relative differences.  Americans and Filipinos all value their families, but Americans frequently leave home by their early twenties to start a family or job or new life. Some may only visit their extended family a few times a year or less. They seek independence (generally). But that doesn't mean they don't value family.

    Filipinos generally remain close to their immediate and extended families for their whole lives, relying on their family members in times of trouble and always celebrating the good times together. Filipinos tend to be more 'group oriented'.

    I am not stereotyping either American or Filipinos, because not everybody acts this way, but this is a generalization that can be helpful in recognizing key cultural differences. There is no right or wrong, there is just difference. And I believe that there are a lot of differences that can cause misunderstandings between cultures, so in many cases we must look to our commonalities to resolve them.  

  3. Yes and no. Some things are universal even if they're a little different. There are qualities that are just part of being human. Of course different cultures and different societies have different ways of thinking and living. If we all sat around and talked (with translators I guess) we'd find we have a lot in common. It's possible the differences would outweigh the commonalities, but I think many people would be surprised how much we have in common.

  4. Common as human beings but different in cultures and values... There's similarities and commonalities depends on the region and how the cultures were related (i.e. same race, colonized by the same country)

    By the way, this is the right spelling of "nationalities."

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