
Do you think this is unreasonable? ?

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ok i heard my sister's friend who is 16 has high cholesterol...and my cousin had it when she was 8 years old (she's not even fat or anything)....and my dad has it but he's 50....ok but i've never had my cholesterol checked and now i'm scared i might have it ... do you think it's unreasonable that i want to get it checked (im 15)??? i told my parents i want to get my cholesterol checked and they said they wont take me to get it checked but they said im a hypochondriac.




  1. I think that if High Cholesterol runs in your family you should make an appt. and get checked out. But, if you are a hypochondriac you should see a doctor for that problem, either way you should be able to talk your parents into taking you for one problem or the other and while your there just ask to be checked for the other. Hope this helped.

  2. If your diet consits of fry foods Big Macs fast foods in general  no excercise  you just might have cholesterol even high blood pressure   teens are not getting enough excercise  and eating  the wrong diet you do not have to have what your parents have just change your chanel

  3. A hypochondriac by definition is a person that will obsess over normal bodily functions (such as sweating), or minor aches and pains (like from gym class) and be afraid there is something seriously wrong. Being concerned that you might fall at risk for something that those around you are isn't being a hypochondriac, its having a desire to be informed and there is nothing wrong with that. As far as high cholesterol goes it does often start in childhood and I know that my freshman health teacher had us all get that and blood pressure tested in the nurses office before the end of the semester in order to PASS the class. As long as you maintain a healthy diet and don't have any major family history of high cholesterol then at your age, no you probably don't have anything to worry about, but if you are truly concerned then get it checked anyways. Like was mentioned earlier, bring it up at your next physical or talk to the school nurse if your parents don't want to take you in specifically for that. Good Luck

  4. that is definitely NOT unreasonable.  you could be at a serious risk of heart disease or even a heart attack!  do your best to convince your parents to let you get checked- it is very important!

  5. IF you have a family history it is a good idea...just go to your regular physical with your doc for school and explain you are concerned, they can do one there...your parents are not going to deny a docs request on the spot most likely.,..good luck

  6. If your parents won't take you to get it checked ( you most likely do not have high cholesterol! ) you can still research heart healthy eating and foods that help lower cholesterol. It's never to early to start eating healthy and, hey, that's what you would do even if you did have it, right?

  7. if you think you should then yeah go ahead. it sounds to me like you should i mean your obviously not too young so i think it would be a good idea  

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