
Do you think this is weird?

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I have around $1040 dollars in my own money and I want to keep it all. I don't even want to spend a dime of it and I want to put it in the bank. =P

I'm 13, by the way.




  1. It's not weird, its actually a great idea and very responsible.. don't listen to the people who will tell u to blow it.. if you put it away and keep saving, you'll be able to put it to a much better use when you're older, like buy a car or pay for college :)  

  2. save your money. you could even get your parents help in buying like a savings bond or a cd where the interest is way better on it.

  3. of course not! That's actually a good thing that you want to save your money!!!

  4. No!! That's not weird at all. You are actually doing the smartest thing you can. By saving your money, you give yourself an advantage over other people because there are a lot of teens who like to spend their money and go shopping all the time. You were born with a good financial sense that not many people have.

  5. no way never feel bad about not spending your money... i do it too and i am 13 too and i have to save for college... so dont spend it keep it :)

  6. No it's not weird, it's pretty smart actually. Put it in the bank and over time you could get interest on it so you end up with more money.

    I wish I could save money like that, whenever I get any I find it impossible to save =P

  7. Not really

  8. its not weird at all. its great! saving your money is a lot better. i've saved my money for as long as i can remember. when i turned 16, i had enough to buy a used but very nice mustang convert. seriously, SAVE IT!!!! u rock

  9. good that was my goal til it dwindled away...........invest it in bank and keep saving 13 too but i couldnt save my money *cries*

  10. yes it is

    what 13 year old has that much money

  11. No that's smart, it's a good life skill to be able to save money. Very mature of you. You are wise beyond your years.  

  12. save your will need it.

    the bank will do :D

  13. No it's not save your money.

  14. no

    i think you're pretty smart

    and will probably be a millionaire someday  

  15. very smart move. other girls should think like u. if u keep this kind of financial attitude up youll have a very good life

  16. I think you are a smart smart person for your age. If you can save up to $5000, i suggest you put it in a CD so it earns you back more money then a savings account would.

    It sounds like you are on your way to financial responsibility.

    EDIT: that stands for Certificate Deposit and it is a safe investment meaning you have no chance of loosing it.

  17. thats rele smart...

  18. no its no weird. but what i would do is think about something (or a few things) really nice that you really want and save up for that. that way you might be less tempted to spend it on something else.  but you don't have to. you could just put it in the bank until you need it. whatever works for you.  

  19. Where the h**l does a 13 year old get that much money ????? Did you steal it ? Just put it in the bank and shut up .

  20. noo haha

    id keep it..


  21. haha i am the same exact way i have about the same amout im my acount and i do not want to spend i want it there forever haha

  22. Weird no, smart, yes.  And at that young an age, if you keep that attitude of saving money, you'll be a lot better off later on in life than your peers.  I'd say put that in savings for now, find a few mutual funds you like, then open a Roth IRA (or open one in your parents' name if there's an age rule) and put that money in there.  Then you can manage your account and what mutual funds/individual stocks, etc. that bring you the most yield.  You'll be glad you started early.

  23. No, it's not weird.  

  24. no! not weird! smart!

    if 1/2 the people in the world were that money smarts, a lot of problems would be solved!!!

    i know how you feel by the way.

    I got a 100 dollar bill one birthday, and I could NOT spend it. It was too awesome for me to get rid of. i hoard money too! ;)

    keep it up! You'll be good to go later in life

  25. well that is pretty mature of you and you're lucky.  Keep savig and best of luck

  26. Absolutely not!! Save as much as you can so that way, when you decide to maybe buy a car or move out on your own or even go to college, you've got something that to back you up plus interest!

  27. smartest thing to do put it in your bank!!! do it just keep like fourty and save that.. it will eventually add up to 100$

  28. That's a really great idea, and then we you get money on your b-day and holidays you can put it in and it will keep adding up. Yeah I think I have about 1500ish saved up right now and I'm 14.

  29. not at all. its actually really smart. im sixteen and have had six different seasonal jobs. i have saved all my money its going tward college. my money is going away slowly though. its realy good your saving now. cuz cas isnt gettng any cheeper. and there is always college to look at. you not crazy at all. think. how much would it suck if you wasted all that money and had none of it. and maybe if you feel like you need to save the money its for security? but one thing is for shure. on way or another. it will come in handy when you really need it.  

  30. I would never do that with that much money, but OMG, go ahead! It's the smartest decision you could make. Plus, the more money you put in the bank, the more money you get from the bank for keeping it in there! Do it, it's the best thing to do.

  31. Yeah, that's a very smart move. That's not weird at all.

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