
Do you think this is what people thought were the olden days?

by  |  earlier

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  1. No, all of the evidence suggests that people were originally referring to rhinocerus.  (A fierce and dangerous animal with a single horn, and a tail like a lion's...)

  2. It is certainly possible that a mutation like this could have been responsible for some of the stories/sightings.

    Of course there are other animals that could have also contributed to the legends.

    Before people could travel across the globe in hours we only had other people's descriptions of what they saw in their travels and when the stories were retold over the years the details almost certainly changed.

    I have included links below to information (theories?) on unicorns.


  3. I am going to say No, I don't think so and I have never heard of this animal before, a deer with a horn, hum. Is this a real species or just as the caption claims, a deformity?

    Is there a reason you change your aviator so frequently?

  4. Don't forget the narwal.

  5. nope

  6. Quite possibly so! 'Beautiful!!'

  7. I saw this headline just a few minutes ago.  I had a sneaking suspicion you would be all over it Denie.  Does that mean I had a premonition?

    It's possible, but that wouldn't explain the mystical qualities attributed to unicorns.  Could be someone spotted a deer with one antler and the story just went wild.  Kind of like Lock Ness, et al.

  8. Traditionally unicorns are also White.  So to be responsible, It would have to be a deer with two genetic defects albino-ism and a single center horn.

    The attributes of the unicorn being wise and tame only around young virgins could in itself be responsible for the continuing sightings.  

    "Of course you didn't see the unicorn your a boy.  Ruth you saw it havent you?"  Poor Ruth half believes that she hasn't seen anything because she knows that she is no virgin so of course see backs up everything the other girl says!

  9. na

  10. I don't think it was a deer that started it.I'll go with a goat.They've already got a bad rep demon-wise.

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