
Do you think this is what will happen to Garry Glitter.?

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He's coming back home for a good spanking. All the diplomats in the embassies around the world are on the phone to each other, and will see to it that the perv come home for a good old public hanging.




  1. England has to take him since he is a British citizen. But he's trying desperately to find another country (preferably Asian) that will accept him. This doesn't seem likely.

    But eventually he'll have to face the music and come back to England for some Rock & Roll part II.

    But maybe he'll find some Muslim country that might accept him. Or he can choose to renounce his British citizenship and become stateless.

  2. Terrible this may sound but why could he not have been on that plane that went down in Spain instead of all those innocent people. Nobody would miss him and that would have solved everybody's problems

  3. He should be forced to sleep in either Baghdad, Beirut or the Southampton six yard box.

  4. Hopefully Iraq will take him....or even better Afghanistan

  5. Put him in a very small boat, tow him out to the middle of the ocean and leave him there.

  6. Yep but do you want to bet that he will in all likelihood be given a change of identity and guarded just like Salman Rushdie and the Soham murderers girl friend at huge costs to the taxpayer even though it is said he still has millions!!

  7. How bout Iran, then when he commits his evil acts against children, he can be stoned to death.... no questions asked.

  8. Now wouldn't that be good a good old public hanging, can I release the trapdoor it would be my pleasure.

  9. I think he should be locked up and the key thrown away, he obviously is unable to control himself...he is disgusting.  

  10. It would be funny if he got refused entry into England and no other country would take him.

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