
Do you think this makes me a mistake?

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Okay my mum told me just a few days ago that my great-great-great (and many more not sure how many but not loads but not little either) was a Portuguese guy.

now we all know they went to Mozambique and stuff right?

well, my great-great-great (and more i gues) grandma was mixed (half-portuguess and black)

and he mother was RAPED by this guy.

in a way, that makes me a mistake cuz i wouldn't exist if it weren't for him!

i feel so digusted and ashamed! (im not rascist btw)

how do i need to feel about this?




  1. That's great great grandmother was raped by a black man (she was caucasion)...but I've never thought of myself as a mistake. Things happen in life that we can't understand...people do things that can't be undone...but that doesn't make you not worth even being here. You have the gift of life because you were meant to have it. Just live it and love it...the past is OVER.


  2. As you walk down the street do people stop you and say 'hey you're that girl who's great --- --- --- ---etc grandpa was a rapist'. Who the h**l is going to know? And even if it is true, there is nothing you can do about it now!

    I am sure if we all looked back through our family trees we would find some pretty bad and interesting stuff - don't sweat it.

  3. hey dear its okay, men ARE PIGS!!

    you are not a mistake , because you are sent from god

    and god always says babies are a blessing

  4. First of all, no kid can ever be a mistake.  Children are gifts from God.  An accident, maybe, but never a mistake.  And I prolly wouldn't exist if it weren't for some bad person way back, but that doesn't mean I'm a bad person.  Don't feel disgusted and ashamed.  Something tells me you have low self esteem.

  5. Seeing as you are referring to your great-great-great anything, do you not think it appropriate to cast doubt on what you think you know?  It is just as likely, if not more so, that the rape of your great-great-great grandmother is a fib made up in this age of victim mentality and liberal brainwashing.  If there were no racial tensions existing today, odds are your family would be telling you a different, also unprovable, story.  But its trendy to be a someone pretended they knew what was going on more than 100 years ago.  

  6. There is nothing to be Ashamed of, in fact u must feel proud that u r so Unique from the rest of Crowd.  

  7. You shouldn't be shame of yourself or who you are.

    The question if he was black and raped by this guy, So my thinking would you be ashamed if black guy raped your great great great great great mother?

    My great great great great grandma was black.

    I looks white.

    I am proud of myself and I love me.

    I sure hope you understand it.

  8. Don't worry about it, one of my relative 200 years ago used to shoot Aboriginal people for being black! My Grandparents were English, but don't hold that against me!

  9. Don't worry about it.

    I like your blond hair.

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