
Do you think this man is a..??

by  |  earlier

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My cousins neighbor is creepy! He sayd to her once that he doesnt want her to get a boyfriend, that no man is man enough for her. And the other day, he held her hands and sayd to her, u'll never in your whole life find someone who loves you as much as i do, and then he kissed her forehead. I think hes like a rapist or a pedophile. What do you think??




  1. he's just in love daz all. creepy u cousin that dont do anything about it

  2. rapist. watch him; anyone whether male or female who is that controlling and territorial is dangerous

  3. he needs help

  4. Sounds like he's kinda reallly obsessive...

    But you never said how old they were... or how your cousin handled it...

    Some chicks will actually date much older dudes or lead dudes on in general...

    Is he really a pedophile/rapist, or are you just really judgemental/insecure about other people?

  5. that is freaky! he has issues!

  6. Lack of information

    What he said sounds fine, you mentioned pedophile, is there a huge age difference?

    Provide more details


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