
Do you think this man was evil & deserved execution?

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OR do you think he was just a poor, ignorant soul who would have had a chance of a good life if only he had an education???




  1. Did you actually read this article - he murdered 42 women in cold blood, believing it would give him magical powers!  Why keep someone like this alive?

    He was seriously ill in the head & deserved to die for his actions.  What about the poor, ignorant souls who went to him for help & he murdered?

  2. I am opposed to the death sentence.

    An eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind!

  3. They should have killed him the same way as he killed all those women.

  4. You can't be serious.  I wish people would just think for minute.  He killed 42 women in ritual slayings.  Good riddence to bad rubbish.

  5. Yep, he deserved execution.

  6. if it is evil to be mentally ill. as used to be believed -possessed by evil spirits-then the answer is yes

    if however he is mentally ill, then he needed confinement and treatment, though he probably would never have been suitable for release,and would be a constant danger to all humanity

  7. Let's just call it a mercy killing.

  8. he was obviously a little bit in a different world.Defenetly education can help, but then how many do similar things in western countries and had an education? Difficult call really.

  9. yes he deserved it, though death by firing squad is a bit brutal.

  10. Yes I consider him to be evil and deserved to be shot.

    Out of curiosity, do you?

  11. Nobody deserves execution.

  12. theres no such thing as "evil" that guy was just plain Stupid with Religion. How do you know he wasnt well educated? he killed for his beliefs, typical in all Religious teachings.

  13. All murderers should be executed, as should paedos

  14. well he was rather an idiot, did he not get it after he killed the first few that it did nothing for his 'supernatural' powers ? to kill them many he must have got a kick out of it, and yes i think he deserved the death penalty.

  15. Gee, let me see...he slaughtered 47 Innocent, I do not think he was poor or ignorant just a mass murderer and he needs to be executed ASAP. The only pity I feel is for all the family members who ware going to be affected by his actions for the rest of their lives.

  16. Hi Faith,

    The news article doesn't say whether criminal insanity came into his defence or not so one must draw one's own conclusions.

    I do think though that anyone who slaughters 42 people in a country which imposes the death penalty must expect to be executed if found guilty and I honestly doubt whether being poor and ignorant could be used as a viable reason for his crimes.

    I am not pro the death penalty and would prefer to real life sentence ot be imposed on killers but, in all honesty, I don't think I can argue against this judgement.

  17. Did you notice that Amnesty International jumped to the defence of a mass murderer AGAIN. Where are they to help the victims?????? Why do they always defend the wrongdoers no matter what they do.

  18. While I can quite see that this case is exceptional, it is exceptions that test rules.

    No doubt society needed to be protected from him, and he should spend the rest of his life in jail.

    The problem is function creep. If you execute this man, then, sooner or later you kill someone who was innocent. Because of that, capital punishment is just plain wrong in any kind of civilised society.

    It's expensive (far more so than whole life imprisonment).

    It is not a deterrent (those states in America that still have the death penalty have higher homicide rates than those that do not).

    It does not bring resolution to the families of murdered victims (many victim's families report that the process involved leading up to and including execution was extremely distressing for them).

    It makes a killer out of the state.

    Innocent people are condemmed and die.

  19. Faith I like to think that I am a man of compassion, hence my thoughts of the McCanns but in this case the man , no matter how poor or uneducated he was, would have known the difference between right and wrong. The only excuse he could have has was his mental state at the time. However its too late to think about that as the man is now dead and as I see it deserved his fate.

  20. This man was without a doubt evil and there is no excuse for what he did and there never could be. and yes he did deserve to be executed. In fact he got a very quick very clean death. Poverty and lack of education are no excuse for cruelty and violence otherwise where would the excuses stop eh? (" He done it because he wasn't breast-fed, your Honor")

    Thank god there are still places in the world where common sense prevails and the death sentence still exists!

    I will always support the death sentence and believe it should be brought back, no buts, no excuses.  And no idiotic excuses like sooner or later you will kill the innocent; that's stupidity in the extreme. No excuses, bring back the death penalty!

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