
Do you think this means im pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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i missed my period, i noticed i had a small amount of blood spotting a few weeks ago, my b*****s are noticably bigger, i gained 4-5 pounds, and last week i had such strong mood swings i yelled some terrible things to a friend and sincerely appologized after, lately im a bit nauseated for apparently no reason but i crave food still, i used to walk everywhere and now think its too hard, and i get dizzy occasionally.

now heres the thing. i took three pregnancy tests over two weeks and they all came up absolutely negative.




  1. Go to the doctor.  He or she will be able to tell you for sure.  You may just be getting your period.

  2. well ya i think you are. my mom toke like 3 prego tests and she was so prego dude. lol but ya she was prego. good luck. hope i helped

  3. see a doctor

  4. It definitely seems like you may be pregnant.  I'd recommend that you make an appointment with your doctor to take a blood test since you are already over two weeks late, with very telling symptoms.  Also, you can try to take a pregnancy test designed for early detection, like e.p.t.  Do the test as soon as you wake up for the most accurate reading.

  5. Well idk how old you are, but you need to go to a doctor so if your mom and dad dont no nows the time to tell them. Get a blood test to see. Or you can try another pee stick. Ohh and price does nto matter.. my sis in law had 3 expencive ones come out negitive bought one from the dollar store and it was positive.. what do you know it was correct.

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