
Do you think this might help Obama understand what the " Pledge of Allegiance " means ?

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  1. So you have red skelton discussing the pledge, then show obama during the national anthem.  Isnt it a shame that some Americans dont know the difference between the two?

  2. You are assuming his gives a darn bout our pledge of allegiance.  

  3. Yeah.. because that is what really defines a patriot. Where you place your hand during The Pledge of Allegiance.

    Get real.

  4. I've seen this Red Skelton's Pledge of Allegiance before. It is priceless!  It is a shocking thing to see YouTube where B. Hussein Obama refuses to put his hand over his heart while listening to the Star Spangled Banner.  Have you actually listened to the gal singing that song on that particular day when Obama refused (like a recalcitrant teenager) to show his patriotism... the singing was horrible!  Maybe Obama shouldn't have even clapped at the end if he was trying to show how authentic and honest he was being.

  5. It might help him put on a politically correct front for the voters, but deep down, he has no patriotism. His only interest is to get the unsuspecting to worship at the feet of a "long legged mac daddy".

  6. No. Those are just words. Maybe this "Red" person means what he is saying, but do you think the conditions in our country reflected that? Were we ALL united as one when kids of different races couldn't even go to school together? Come on now. I could go on and on about the discrepancies between what this guy is advocating and what was really going on in the country at the time.

    Also, placing your hand over your heart means NOTHING if you are willing  to send those brave young men and women to their deaths for a lost cause. Do you not comprehend that these people are dying in vain? How sick is that? And all you can care about is Obama not placing a hand on his heart. I realize that you senior citizens are nostalgic or whatever, but move on already. That's not how people think anymore. Outward pretenses and rituals mean nothing if your actions don't back it up.  

  7. obama is no American. He has some nerve trying for commander in chief and refusing to put his hand on his heart.

    How the democrats can condone this is beyond me.obama is such a loser.

  8. Obama knows more than you what it means.

    Get over it.  

  9. he obviously doesn't respect what our country stands for.

  10. Considering he's a constitutional scholar, I'm sure he's aware.

  11. Thank you, Will, I love Red Skelton, he was a true Patriot and American. He ended all of his shows with "God Bless. What a wonderful man he was.

    John Wayne was another. There are some you tubes of his patriotism also.

    Obama, has no respect for America, the flag, the pledge, or the men and women in the Armed Forces and he has the Audacity to want to be our President , he would not even be a good pimple on a Real Americans buttocks.

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