
Do you think this new rehab method will work for Amy?

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  1. honestly - im so sick of hearing about her and seeing her ugly face plastered over the papers. i really dont understand why people are so interested in her all the time.

  2. All rehabs work if the addicts what them to

  3. Who cares. She has been given so much and gives nothing back. Let her get worse and worse, hopefully it will result in her giving up making records.

  4. shes only 24 she deserves as many chances as god is willing to give her so does pete doherty.  they dont thieve beg or steal its their own money after all to do with what they wish.  i wish them both well so they can p**s off back into obscurity where they belong.

  5. once an addict

    always an addict

  6. I hope so, I mean despite everything being her own fault she is an amazing singer.

  7. Boring,boring,boring.That's all we read lately,Amy this,Amy that,Pete this,Pete that.Why don't they do us all a favour,put the two of them in a padded cell and throw away the bloody key.All their problems are self inflicted.Nobody told them to take drugs,so let them suffer the consequences.

  8. i really could not give a s**t........more interesting things to think about other than drug users.......................

  9. nooopee. shes been there and done that too many times.. thb i reckon she needs to stay away from her hubby whoes even more of a druggy than herself! shes got a wonderful talent so i dont know why shes ruining her life?! one thing i dont find dair is the celebs when they are dun for drugs or something hardly any action is taking by anyone whereas if we the 'NORMALS' did, we'd have so ever many yrs in jail.

  10. amy winehouse is doing it all for attention.

    shes with pete doherty..i mean it dont take a brainbox to realise it.

    she dont WANT to give up drugs. shes making money from the publicity..leave her to it..if she dies she dies..she didnt care about all of the people caring about her so why bother.

  11. I doubt it will but I do hope so. I do think she has a great talent, she has changed so much over the past few years - it would be great if she could kick the addiction. I personally think that despite the drug habit and personal problems she is one of the biggest talents the UK has seen in years, decades even. She has a great voice (when she's sober) and her song writing ability is amazing. I wish her well.

  12. i hope so

  13. Who cares. With the money she has she should not have got herself into this mess in the first place. Sorry if I sound a bit harsh but I have zero tolerance for idiots who take drugs.

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