
Do you think this page is a good proof of the existence of ghosts?

by Guest44539  |  earlier

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Could those photos be fake? Why or why not?

I obtained that link from the answer given by LILY in;_ylt=AjIqH9EQXkJnjmkuySqOoDHsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080822160406AAwoHE8&show=7#profile-info-mqxYAmxmaa




  1. No.

  2. Those are good examples only.

    The only proof some people will believe is what they see with their own eyes.

    I have seen and talked with spirits at a family reunion. I had the pictures to prove it.

  3. I can't really say that those pictures are actual proof of ghost or not. Some people are always saying they've seen ghost and believe in ghost,

    while others haven't seen anything their whole lives. How can that be. No one knows. Maybe people will believe what they want.  

  4. Not really. The majority of those pictures I have seen elsewhere and were debunked. As an investigator, I am doubtful about pictures taken by others as it is so easy to fake a photo.

  5. I would be really carefull with this stuff just because this is what I believe:

    Satan and his "angels" can appear as spirits and such, even as a good angel. You're asking for trouble and deception if you're inviting this kind of stuff. Of course they're going to make an appearance. Even the people that don't ask for it are getting some of this stuff because it's kind of like taking their focus off God in a way?

    It's hard to explain. I used to look this stuff up all the time and watch TV specials on ghosts when I was younger. Scared me to death haha.

  6. That web page doesn't prove anything.  We don't know whether the photos are fake or not.

  7. I think that that page is a FAKE, just like the other thousands of pages about ghosts in the internet...

    It's so curious...

    All the photos are old, and grays...

    Thats a easy way to implant subliminal messages in your mind, I really don't think that the page is a good proof, just another page more...

    But the ghosts exists, I know that...

  8. I have seen those pictures in many places, and they are of a small group I have never seen "debunked" or whatnot anywhere. Quite a few of them are older photos, and I think it probably would have been more difficult to fake things then. That is just my opinion.

    To me, it supports my belief in the paranormal and ghosts. But to someone who does not believe, these are not going to be taken as proof and probably won't change their mind. Photos like these and discussions of experiences will only enhance, not change, someone's beliefs, whether they be for or against.

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