
Do you think this poem thingie is good? I made it. Its about abortion from a babies view.?

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Abortion: Babies point of view

Mommy its me. Your little baby. I know what you

want and its not me. You told my daddy you will

take care of this. I dont want to die mommy. Im

just a little thing. Dont you feel sorry, or anything?

I know daddy hates me, doesnt want anyone to

know, about the deep side of him, that is going to

cut my throat. Mommy i wish you would hold me,

instead of killing me. Did you know they will suck

my brains out? Mommy please! I'm begging you!

DOnt hurt me! Mommy noo! I know we are in the

waiting room. I hear your name called. You can turn

around you know, and go back home, Mommy no

please no! I know yor now asleep. I feel them

pulling at my feet and i know im already out. My

head is still inside, but everything is exposed.

Mommy are you gonna ask if i was a boy or girl?

Mommy i love you. owww...mommy the scissors are

in my head. Mommy im still alive. I can feel

everything. They make the hole wider. I am dead

now. But i am still watching, from outside your

body. They are sucking out my brains. They pull me

right on out, toss me in the trass. They dont even

have any doubt.

Do you like it? Please star if you do and if you are against abortion. Thanx




  1. Ok....I'm gonna throw out that it's very graphic...AND the kind of abortion you're describing is partial birth abortion which is ILLEGAL in this country, so...might want to change it a bit.

  2. no because its not a poem it is a skip and i know we can't look into the world with rose colored glasses but its way to graphic.then sum things should be reorganized look at it again .

  3. thats really good you are talented  

  4. OMG!!!!! you are really tallented that is so sad i am against abortions that was really sad you should enter that in a contest or something?

  5. Okay well i believe your a very good poet however,

    Do you have to be so harsh with your wording,

    Take peoples feelings into consideration,

    I have previously been forced into an abortion,

    I wanted to keep my baby,

    And reading this poem made me feel sick to the stomach.

  6. it was a little forced. i dont think poetry is your thing. sorry :/

  7. A fetus is not a baby therefore this "poem" is not even about a person. Why not write it from the living, breathing woman who chose abortion.

  8. Your poem is ok, and It's good to have an opinion. What about rape, incest, people who are mentally handy capped. Pre -teens who could die if they carry a baby to term, babies with no lungs, no hearts, no brains no limbs. I don't think you can be just yes or no on a thing like abortion. If you are a religious person, don't cast the first stone.

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