My 4th grader has become a lier. We have tried taking away TV, computer, grounding, etc. My husband and I were at a complete loss. Well, the other day my daughter conspired with her birth mother (who has visitation) that she was going to lie to us about attending softball practice. Her mom is required to take her. Anyway, they decided the night before that she would get ready and tell us she was going and take all of her stuff with her, and then not go. Well, we found out because my husband had to stop up at her practice and drop something off to the coach. We confronted her about it and she fessed up, her reasons for giving up practice were lame, and she had no excuse for lying to us. My husband gave her a 3 page paper to write on lying and responsibility. She usually loves and looks forward to playing softball w/friends so it was really a shock. Her mom has convinced her that her punishment is too much and has told her not to do it and she'll bring it up in court.