
Do you think this question should be blocked?

by  |  earlier

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Why did we not hear about Putin claiming that the disturbance in Georgia was a set up by the U.S to assist a political campaign by you know who. The press doesn't want to touch it. Do you think we deserve better than this???????




  1. You didn't hear it because the idea is absurd and anyone with a brain knows that Vladimir "KGB" Putin is spouting propaganda.  You should have a little more faith in your country and be a little less open to conspiracy theories.

  2. Because it's nothing less than ridiculous, outrageous lies that some nobody on some obscure website came up with to help the Obamamites. I'm mean, really, do you believe every nonsensical thing that these people make up? Yep, I saw McCain on the lead tank leading the charge into Georgia. LOL C'mon! Ohhhh....and that nobody on your obscure website claims the "press doesn't want to touch it." Right. Orrrrr maybe they looked into it and laughed, like all intelligent people should do when they hear this. So....LOL

    I'm sorry, I didn't answer the question....No, I don't think this question should be blocked. Everyone should know what kind of person believes this sort of fantasy.

  3. Had you posted the Q and it was deleted?  Some people just report questions they don't agree with and YA upholds the deletion.

    I asked a question last week and it was "reported" as "not a question".  I appealed it and YA still said it was a violation.

    My Q was: "Why do anti-abortion fanatics think that makes them "pro-life"?

    And I added comments to explain why I was asking that as I see they often vote for politicians that don't seem to care about the poor kids that are already born.

    Not a question?????

  4. freedom of i geuss not

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