
Do you think this quote is sad?

by  |  earlier

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Last Christmas, as a surprise for Ethel, the older children composed letters about their father. Wrote David, 13: "Daddy was very funny in church because he would embaress all of us by singing very loud. Daddy did not have a very good voice. There will be no more football with Daddy, no more swimming with him, no more riding and no more camping with him. But he was the best father their ever was and I would rather have him for a father the length of time I did than any other father for a million years."

(i know he spelled some things wrong)

no one thinks its sad tho.

why do you think it is/isnt

thank you





  1. i don't think the quote was sad. it's a reminiscence of happy memories about / with the father, and how he will always cherish those happy experiences he have had with the father. the father was not perfect, but for David, no one can replace him in his / their life / lives.

  2. Sad? -- No.

    The closest MIGHT be "melancholy reminiscence."

    I would categorize it as being closer to nostalgia.

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