
Do you think this "internet" thing is going to be longlasting?

by  |  earlier

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Yahoo wanted this question to go to the Beauty section.. Makes perfect nonsense, doesn't it?




  1. No  ... not much longer

    Copper wire is too expensive.

    I think String talk will make a HUGE


    pssstt ... Invest in String Futures!!!

  2. Maybe about 10 - 15 more years.

  3. Nah, the internet is just a phase.  Wait until the Etch-A-Sketch comes back.

  4. Yes and Yes!!!!


  5. The internet? Is that thing still around?

  6. Oh i sure hope so I mean what else is there, lol

  7. ,,,  yep .. really lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng lasting.

    And - yes, again.

  8. Haha, Beauty section. Now that is funny.

    And to answer your question, I think it's all just a quick fading faze....

    Any day now.....


  9. No.  I think it's a fad.  <snort>

  10. It's not 1999, you know.

  11. it makes a PERFECT NON-SENSE !!!! I will star your question cuz it made me laugh hard !  But yeah ,it IS probably going to be long-lasting ,for like definetly sure .

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