
Do you think this salary chart for engineering is right?

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It is also for Aug 17, 2008. But i am not sure if i should trust it. I want to be an engineer but not sure which kind. So how accurate is this chart's estimated salaries?




  1. yes my husband is and engineer and he makes a lot more then what the chart said. and it depends on your own experience.

  2. Average Engineer salaries for job postings nationwide are 25% higher than average salaries for all job postings nationwide.


    Trend is rising.

    If your interest is in the particular field,then you can excel more in that particular field.

    Even you can earn more than what you have expected depending upon your performance and experience.

  3. What this doesn't tell you is that probably a lot of the respondants were seasoned engineers who had been in their fields for a very long time. This looks like an average of all engineers in a particular field, that took the time to respond. This isn't a 'starting salary' type of chart. Look specifically for one of those to see what you're going to be up against when you first start in engineering. This looks like a 'lifetime salary' graph.

    Most of these jobs, when you click on the individual disciplines, are looking for people with 5+ years of experience. So you can see that these are not starting salaries.

    There are a few factors that will affect your starting pay - the company you work for, where the company is (large cities tend to have higher paying jobs than smaller ones or out-of-the-way ones), how 'in demand' your field is, and how much experience you have. You can expect to start off at a lower salary than this graph indicates, since you have little-to-no experience when you start. If you stay within the field for many years, like the first poster's husband, you can expect to make the average and eventually exceed it.

    I say, if you want to be an engineer, pick where you think you'll be the strongest and that interests you the most, and go for it. Good luck!

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