
Do you think this section gets too personal?

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I've only been using this site for a few weeks and I have become increasingly surprised at the amount of people who become very personal. In the main co-sleeping, feeding solids and most of all breastfeeding have made this site very unpleasant to stomach. Does anyone else feel like like? Do you think this section gets too personal.




  1. You seriously think that this has people ruining each others lives?!  Maybe it's better that you close your account if you're that emotionally unstable to be so affected by an on-line question and answer forum.  And no, I don't think it's too another poster states, parenting and raising a baby is personal.

    If you don't like it, don't read it...simple as that.  No one's forcing you.

    I think it's very unfortunate for anyone to suffer from Post-Partum Depression.  On the same token I also think it's rather irresponsible for a person who has such a disorder to come on a forum - which you acknowledge has members who have strong opinions - and ask such a loaded question.  And then to immediately follow it up with a snarky comment about people pushing breastfeeding and ruining one anothers lives?  I really don't understand that or understand why you're suprised at the comments you're getting.

  2. there are always people to ruin a group!! but what you find offencive may be really helpful to the next person!! Just listen to the advice you want and discard the rest!!! Just because someone says it doesn't mean you need to take it seriously!! also I wouldn't close my account because you don't agree with some people! there are some absolutely brilliant moms on here that have wonderful advice and lots of helpful things to teach!!! Don't let someone ruin something for you that you could enjoy and that will help you!!! somethings have to go in one ear and out the other much like advice and opinions you get from strangers at the store or inlaws etc!

  3. with some things, but its easier to ask "normal" people about some things than beleive everything the books say. i think they feel comfortable because they dont know you and cant see your face :)

  4. Yeah it does get that way sometimes.  It's the mom wars on here: Breast VS bottle, work VS stay at home, crib VS cosleep, etc.  It's like many of the moms feel the need to justify the way that they are rasing their kids by bringing everyone else down.  There really is no need for it in my opinion.  Moms shoud be supporting each other, not attacking each other for doing what they feel is best for their own family  :)

  5. i think its fine. its mothers talking to other mothers. motherhood is personal.

  6. No, but if it bothers you then don't read them. This section is here to ask questions and get avice. Babies don't come with manuals and parents have a lot of concerns and worries. I love this site. i love helping people. I do it a work and then when I'm bored i get on here.

  7. We're talking about our babies, it's going to get personal. You've named off three "hot" topics. Everyone has their opinion on them and it's usually a strong one.

    I really don't mind it because I can get great advice from other women on here. Newborns are a "no nonsense" subject so you're bound to get straight advice/opinions. Sometimes it may be rude and you just have to ignore those.

  8. You people are sick. Can't you see she is a woman on the edge. I hope you all feel ashamed of your selves.

  9. Some of the information shared is quite personal, but if done in a supportive and information sharing way then I don't mind it. I don't try to tell anyone what to do, only share my own experiences or ask that they seek professional medical advice if it something that sounds serious.  

  10. I think Pip wants the 10 points.  I don't mind getting personal because I like specific details so I can either learn from others experiences, share my own experiences, or just come here for pure entertainment.  Good luck!

  11. If you've gotten to a Level 4 in just a few weeks you've been on here a lot, not just a little.

    How do you ask questions or get answers with out getting personal? You have to describe the problem to receive help.

    Enjoy your kids.

  12. I think the personal questions are good, I think most of us have the same questions and we don't have anyone to talk to- unless we call the dr every five minutes. If you think you already know everything, then it is best to close your account.

  13. No...I mean how sensitive are you? yes they can be controversial but they are areas parents all want and need info on.

  14. I think that this section needs to be personal. These are real people asking real questions and looking for real answers. If they white wash their questions so that they arent offending you then they wont get the results they are after. If you dont like it you dont have to read...


    We arent all breastfeeding pushers... and what you choose to do with your time is up to you.

  15. Yes sometimes it does.

    I think we all just want what is best for our children and we hate seeing other people doing it differently because our way is the best way. We just need to do what we think is best, take what we find useful, roll the rest off our shoulders, and be the best mothers and father we can be.

  16. I personally do. I was coming on here, looking at other questions and asking my questions being that I will be having my baby in just a couple of weeks. I haven't really gotten ANY useful info from this site. I now only rarely scan the questions/answers a couple times a week hoping someone else has the same concerns and gets decent responses.

    People ask questions about bottle feeding and get criticized for not breastfeeding!

    People ask questions about c-section healing and are lectured about not having a vaginal birth!


    My Perinatologist laughs at these types of forums (because really they are just forums....not good sources of actual non-biased facts....just others opinions that can sometimes be emotionally and physically harmful to those who don't take it with a grain of salt!)

    YA! is great for needing to learn how to change the oil in your car or where to find specific baby products or when your favorite musician is releasing a new album....but for this stuff.....I'm going to stick with the actual experts : )  Have a blessed day!

  17. I dont know how this section wouldnt be personal, it's about our babies...that's a pretty personal subject. And alot of times people ask questions to get information from someone who has been in the same it needs to be personal, or no one will relate.

    You could always go to Polls & Surveys and answer questions about what soda taste better, that's not too personal is it?

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