
Do you think this section has ever been used before?

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Do you think this section has ever been used before?




  1. no, and i dont think it will again.

  2. What section??

  3. It's probably used quite a lot on the Brazil site.  How's your Portuguese and Carioca?  They probably say the same about Swansea.

  4. what?

  5. I never heard of it

  6. you never know, anyway, you started, so you solved the question towards a yes to be answered by the next candidate

  7. yes, its been used once.

  8. Well it has now .

    i like boggle10 's answer can't rate it though sorry

  9. Doubt it don't even know what it means.  LOL

  10. This is our secret society section what are you doing on here infidel.

  11. I don`t think so

  12. I don't know.  Why on earth are you asking this?

  13. you are sick

  14. I don't think so...

  15. What is it?


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