
Do you think this song is perfect for Twilight?

by  |  earlier

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This song really reminds me of twilight. im not obsessed but i heard this and i realized this should have been on the trailer!! if you arent patient enough to listen to the whole thing, skip to 2:05.

btw i know we all have different opinions, im just asking if your agree!





  1. yh i agree

    i love vampire things

    especialy when a guy bites my neck



  2. nope

  3. Omg! yes i really like it too! but i love how it really seems to be in the perspective of bella. How bella always hurt and how she cant blame anyone else beause it is like rally her fault for liking edward. And then it talks about like warm me. Taht kinda reminded be of jacob. It is very intersting and i think im going to add it to my playlist lol! it has alot of meaning.! wow!  

  4. i love that song!

    yeah, I think it's great for Twilight!!! perfect!!

  5. Hm, I quite like it but I still prefer Muse - Time is Running Out :]

  6. It's kinda hard to understand the lyrics so I read them here: but yes, it's kind of like Bella's point of view.

  7. oooooooooh my freind is in the new movie twilight wait a minute are you her? do you play the woman with cancer in it? anyway sure!

  8. woah. love it.

    and yes it does.

  9. i hate the song...definitely dont agree.

  10. yeah that would be a good song btw I LOVE TWILIGHT!  

  11. Oh my god it does!!  

  12. no, sorry, i actually like the one the chose [:

  13. twilight is dumbbbbb


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