
Do you think this spell will work?

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I want to talk to my cat so bad!! So so bad!

heres a spell that I found

What you need: 1 yellow candle (more if you like), your cat, and alot of patience.

It is best to do this on a Wendsday.

Cast your circle. Now sit the candle in front of you. Light it.

Place your feline friend behind the candle and get him/her to sit still.

Now here is the fun part.

Get the cat's attention and make sure throughout the spell that he or she is paying complete attention.

I call upon the power of Athena, The Goddess of Knowledge and Wisdom.

Give me the power for what I teach. Teach this feline the gift of speech.

Hand (cats name) this voice strong and clear. One that only I can hear.

This spell I cast will last until his/her death.

And then at peace, her voice will rest.

Three times three, So mote it be.

Three times three, so mote it be.

Three times three, so mote it be.

Then pick up your feline and give him/her a big embrace.

Then thank the Goddess for her help.




  1. step away from the crack pipe you hit it to much!

  2. i've seen ur comments and u said what the **** this time calls for it WHAT THE ****

  3. I'm not sure, maybe.  I think it's interesting.  I also think before you cast this spell you may want to try to find similiar spells or come up with something you feel really absolutely certain would work.

  4. Interesting...

    Well good luck.

    Embrace is like hugging.

    I hope it works. I'd sure like to talk to my rabbit.

  5. Look, given that you are only 13 you shouldnt be messing around with magic.  First off it doesnt work, and second (i dont mean to be a judgemental catholic or anything), but using magic to get what u want is kind of asking to be sent to h**l. Even Satanists have a rule against magic for personal gain (dont ask me y i know that). Look, i think that what u SHOULD do is to take the the time to enjoy your cat, spend time w. him/her. When you develop a really close bond, then ull be able to understand what he/she is saying without exchanging words.  Remember, ur still young, and its definately not too late to give ur heart to the Lord.  Trust me, he can help u understand ur pet alot more than some dumb old spell can. You can take or leave this advice, i mean, im not that much older than you so, i dont know if my opinion means a whole lot, but i thought i should try.

    P.S. Even if the Greek goddess Athena exsisted, ud have to do alot more than say some rhymy words to impress her enough to help you.

    P.P.S. to embrace is to like give a hug

  6. Your cat can already speak.  You need to learn how to listen.  No animal is going to willingly allow you to practice magic on him (did you catch that, don't place spells on others, including animals.)  

    Cat's can speak very well, and very clearly on their own.  You just need to learn to listen.  They have their own language, and if he has something to say to you, you would be wise to heed his words.

    I've been practicing longer than you have been alive.  Internet spells and hocus pocus are nothing compared to experience.  If you want to learn to understand an animal, unplug and spend some time with him instead.

    Edit:  I can't believe I am saying this.  For MOST of what Austin said, I agree.

  7. I'm not a big believer in spells so I'll leave that alone but embrace in this case means to take the cat in your arms and hug it.

  8. ok first of all u need a teacher but given that u r only 13 no one is going to be willing to teach u u r to young but u can read books and get a starton ur own

    blessed be

  9. i want to talk to my fish and dog that sounds awesome

  10. Well, I do talk to my cat, but it's not like you think.  It is more with my mind, although he does understand what I say to him. He comunicates with my mind.  I don't think it is possable to teach a cat to speak english, but if you listen hard enough, you will hear.

  11. If this spell works it could back lash on you  if it even works! This type of spell if it's real is a self surving and any self surving spell can cause a lot of negitive (not good) affects.

    Athena isn't the only one you should call on if you are serious about this. You also need to call on someone who works or is about animals.

    Yellow candles are for knowlege

    Purple is for psychic contact or special practice.

    The fact that you have to have a candle around any animal is suspicious in it's self. Do you really think any anmial isn't going to sniff or knock down the candle (s)?

    Umm, to be honest I wouldn't do this spell if I were you. I know you want to know what your cat thinks but there are four possible out comes:

    !) It works too well and you will tap into any and all abilities that you may have had or may have grown into and had naturally unlocked in due time.

    2) It dosen't work at all

    3) It dose work and hopefuly for the best.

    4) You will have negitive karma (what you get from your actions. if you do positive thingsyou will get postive karma and good things will ahppen. If you do something negitve you will have negitive things happen to you as punishment)for doing this spell. As far as I, and others I have talked to, this spell is one of self intrest (wanting for your own gain).

    Honestly I wouldn't do this spell. I know you want to talk to your cat. But I don't personaly think this is a good way to do it.

    When I was a teen I was at my grandma's. She had a very controlling cat. He was a real pain and somehow knew when my mother was asking my grandma to stay at our home for a few days. He'd hiss and try to scratch me.

    At some point when he went to his favorate place I sat on a chair oposite him and talked to him just like I was talking to a person. I told him that my mother is worried for Gus, (Grandma's nick name) and we want her to come with us and get checked out. After a couple of days she'll return. I must have talked to him for half an hour. Durring the middle of it. I know he was listening and it seemed like he understood me. He jumped off the bed and slowly came over to me and scratched his head on my leg. This was not a cat who did anything like that. So what I am trying to say is that maybe you can try to just talk to him eye to eye and tell him what you want to say. Who knows he may be able to understand in some way. I guess he was able to understand the emotions underneith my words. And I think I sort of understood him. It was the only time it happend. But maybe if you and your cat practice you two can do what Gandolf and I did.

    I hope you really think about this before you do it. Consider all the alternatives and decide if any negitive karma or potential ability overload (ablities becoming too strong for you to handle).

    Good luck and if you need to talk to me, my E-mail is on my info page

  12. an embrace is a hug.

    and as far as the spell...

    have fun with that.

    unless you've been studing witchcraft for a long time.

    and you're really good at it that's the only way it's going to work.

    i doubt your cat with even pay attention to you the entire time.

    and good luck keeping it still.


    this spell is by far the most fake.

    animals cannot talk.

    no matter what.

    but i'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say if your cat does start talking let me know.

  13. Wicked Warrior and The Druid are absolutely right. Cats DO speak to you, you just have to attune yourself to your cat to understand it. My cat speaks to me the same way, through my mind, like a realization that an idea has been communicated to me. Cats do not, nor do they want to, speak with human words. The secret to this magic is to become receptive to the cat, not make the cat cater to you.

  14. WOW u r awesome I'm 13 too and I would love to talk to my dog! where did u find that spell? e-mail me please!

  15. it is said in the beginnig the animals could talk and we could understand them we also had the ability to fly. but the power to fly was lost to us and the ability to understand animals was lost too. i believe they can still talk just now we can't understand them.

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