
Do you think this story could possibly be true?

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I know they titled it a "Mythical" story...but then they have dates.

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  1. Sorry but it looks like utter codswallop.


    Neo, I don't know how old Deenie is but she has a son that is more than 14yo so she's not that much of a spring chicken.

  2. I am reacting to the manner in which you present your question--the story itself is far less interesting to me.

    When I assume that you are quite young, am I wrong?  Let me qualify my question--are you a person less than 20 years of age, perhaps not yet out of high school?  I ask this of you because your style of writing is naive, that of a young person whose curiousity toward things of and possibly not of this world is tempered with a charming streak of hope, e.g., "but then they have the dates."  As if these dates function like a talisman, effectively warding off all who would dare question either the fact of its having happened or those who experienced this close encounter.

    I am truly sorry I cannot answer your question with anything approaching absolute surety.  I have learned much in my 51 years from odd, almost supernatural experiences that demand I either honor them with the full due of a complete recitation here and now, or accept the fact of their ocurrence and keep my mouth discreetly shut.  I choose the latter of these two because I have yet another question I wish to ask of you with regard to your post.

    Have you had a true close encounter?  By true, I mean seen or perhaps even tried to communicate witha being not of our world?  I have, but the contact was unseen on my part--I was the recipient of a comforting caress on the back of my head when I was literally in danger of wigging out in my cubicle at work.  Whoever/whatever touched me brought upon me and instant state of calm acceptance.  I am not psychic, nor am I a medium.  I do, as stated before, seem to experience a lot of contact with entities that exist in a form which I cannot see or touch, but I do feel their touch and sense their presence.

    From the wistful tone of your questions I am guessing that you would like to believe this story to be true.  It may be.  It may not.  More importantly, you seem to want to believe it and that is a strong statement from your inner core to your objective, rational self.  Listen to yourself, your own "still, small voice" and learn what it is you are trying to tell yourself about who you are and what is important to you. Facts are important.  But so are feelings--they are the stuff of our soul, the spiritual part which is our physical partner in the dance of life.  It too must be fed and this "mythology" is one type of nourishment.

    Of course, I may be totally off base with my non-answer, answer, but I am grateful you have given me the opportunity to respond and in so doing, dream.

    Juding from

  3. No way! It's just a story created by brilliant mind.

  4. It's possible, but given the void of evidence I would say it's not likely.

  5. maybe, i like to beleive there is, but science just pops throught, jsut like beleving god created the world and life and the solar system, yet science disagrees. I think so yet, the pictures of the U.F.O are obviously fake. I'd say there is a string there that has been blinded by the light or used effects. But its possible that it is true!

  6. No its not true im sure the dates were just made up but there may be actual people by those names but I don't think the story is true.

  7. yes

  8. I think this story may have truth and fiction. If there are other people in our solar system, they will be people like us. But I don't believe anyone is telling the truth when they say that the problems with our world is religion. Religion is not the problem--people are the problem. How you understand and apply religion is the problem--not religion itself. Who knows if such a visit like this occurred? it does seem more likely that something like this could happen than aliens who look like the weird things depicted in sci-fi are around...

  9. This is not true. There are many such stories, but none are proven. There are strong reasons to doubt them but no good reasons to believe them.

  10. yeah. possibly

  11. No, Deenie, Edward Meier is a hoax. He had me going back in the '70s.

  12. I was actually in Switzerland around the time this allegedly happened, and saw some of Meier's photos and such.  I was not impressed, and in fact am quite skeptical of his claims.  That, of course, doesn't rule out the possibility that Earth is sometimes visited by extraterrestrial visitors (a point I am neutral about), but I don't think this particular account is trustworthy.

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